So terrible with Horror games, pretty sure this is the first I’ve played to completion, but the atmosphere, story, visuals, gameplay, and all around execution is just so good that I had to push through, and quite glad I did

A wonderful game with a well put together story, great soundtrack, though unfortunately quite repetitive gameplay, at least with some small variations such as the railcart section or the top down rooms, but it definitely got a little tedious, which is somewhat to be expected from a game originally made in the PS3 era.

Not sure how much better a goat simulator sequel could have been

A fine enough DLC, with some nice visuals and a pretty, if not overwhelming, boss fight, as well as it giving decent reason to return to a game I haven’t touched since completion, but it was definitely very brief and there wasn’t anything to write home about.

Great narrative, pacing, and gameplay, especially for the time, and overall just a very well put together game with a ton of memorable/great moments.

Really great way of tying in Kiryu to the upcoming release, and in the process it ended up being a great story and game overall, if not a bit condensed and short which is very expected. Couldn’t be more excited for LAD 8 after loving 7 and really appreciating this as well.

Honesty was not feeling the new semi-non linear style they went for early on but definitely felt it was a nice touch by the end, perfect way to bring the metro series that was previously only on the PS3/360 gen into the newer gen, best game of the series in my opinion and a good close to the trilogy

Probably not my final rating, most likely gonna come back here and there to do more of the quests and stuff, but overall just another Bethesda game, with a few kinks that started to annoy me prolly just because of all the time I put into this in a pretty short time, but pretty good game overall

This games possible only redeeming factor is that it happens to be co-op, and that it really didn't try anything that ambitious in terms of missions and challenges, because if it did it would sure to be absolutely unplayable. The gunplay was bad, the graphics were unbelievably mediocre for a next-gen game released in 2023, and despite that there were still a number of frame rate drops and crashes and bugs. The story was pretty much a big nothing, and the dialogue and cutscenes were ridiculously low effort and annoying. If there was anything that this game reminded me of, it would be like a far inferior Borderlands, with the weirdly tanky combat, often painful dialogue, and the seemingly pointless "wander across the map to do a 3 minute quest" type thing. Overall, if you have gamepass and some people to play it with, you can play it, it's definitely a game that exists, but please don't spend $70 on this and if you have other things you really want to play definitely just do that.