7 reviews liked by ambientdroning

this game has taken probably at least a month of solid gameplay of my life and i have absolutely no problem with that. love live has managed to be consistently fun for me over a course of nearly a decade, and i only recently started actually spending money on it, so it's absolutely not necessary to the enjoyment of the game.

my only gripe is i wish they had more of their best artists working on muse, because despite everything they are still my favourite group and i care about them significantly more than aquors, nijigasaki or liella (i still like them just. not as much). PLEASE give me more cute kotoris i cant handle it

at one point i got so caught up that they had to stop me and say they were still building levels. you could say im insane.

Every once and a while some part of a game in this series will hit a great moment. Like sometimes when I am playing a class trial I think "wait is this series actually good" and then it ends and all the horrid parts come back. this series makes me so mad man

this is the best fucking game ever and everyone should be talking about it all the time every day fuck you

i beat this once on normal with no continues and screamed so loud i hurt myself

really good. edgeworth changed me as a person

this is the best sonic game ever. i will actually kill you if you disagree. blaze awakened something in me, the soundtrack goes, and this is such a fun platformer. i wish more modern sonic games followed this formula. listen to back 2 back and maybe then you will calm down