51 Reviews liked by aphexTwink

New Vegas isn't for everyone, including me
This is my 3rd time trying and 1st time finishing the game with +600 mods to make it bearable.
The graphics are not only dated but ugly af, and the gameplay might be a bit slow but the story and characters are the main attraction here, and if you're not digging those, then the game's going to feel pretty bland.
The most fun thing for me was winning all jackpots at the casions (gamba addiction)

2 much meat ride, its ok at best. ive played 1 hour and i feel like i have a word on this

What did they do to my boy Björn?

It's very fun and chaotic with friends.

Fun and relaxing but gets a bit repettetive at the end.

Only real ones chose the orange knight.

It's a fun game but the motion controls doesn't work sometimes.

Very charming rhythm game! While the GBA and DS ones didn't quite grab me (DS more because I thought the controls held the game back), this one very much lived up to all the hype I heard about it and feels like the definitive Rhythm Heaven experience. The songs are a bop, and all have really fun and cool timings with cute presentation that I adore.

Also, shout out to Remix 10 for being one of the coolest and most fun and catchy final levels in a rhythm game period. I've always loved this song as I've heard it many times beforehand, and getting Superb rank on it was so satisfying. Very great game. That said, I do find that I prefer Theatrhythm on 3DS a bit mostly since I find the touch screen being more responsive and better for faster paced rhythm games like this vs. button controls, but this game is still awesome despite that.

It's great don't get me wrong but nothing can beat the original.

Man, I love spreading democracy!

Fun game with a LOT of content, and it's free on top of that. The only complaint I have is the grinding and waiting.

Nossa, de verdade que jogo maravilhoso! Eu realmente não esperava a emoção que esse jogo trás e a diversão que ele proporciona. Fui de cabeça nesse jogo sem nem pensar muito, pois tinha ouvido falar muito bem dele, mesmo sendo o primeiro jogo de ritmo que eu jogo. Por isso acabei estranhando um pouco no começo, mas com o tempo esse jogo me prendeu de uma forma inexplicável. A gameplay é muito bem pensada e gostosa, os gráficos são lindos demais, o estilo do jogo me cativou muito, as músicas, os ritmos, e com certeza a dublagem, absolutamente tudo nesse jogo é incrível! Mesmo sendo um jogo recente e ser muito curto, se tornou um dos meus jogos favoritos. De verdade, eu super recomendo experimentarem a emoção que essa obra prima nos trás!