A very fun little game. A decent, short story. But that wasn't really the focus. The levels were always really fun to go through, and when I died, I just strategized on what I could do better next time. Super fun and addictive once you get into it!

The first Souls game I've ever fully completed. The open world was very beautiful and fun to explore. Lots of fun encounters with both enemies and NPC's. Bosses were tough, but doable. Amazing story told by the NPC's, random items around the world, and interactables. This game had me sucked into it for awhile and I don't regret any of it.


Omori was definitely an amazing experience. Very trippy with a unique and cute art style. The core of the game is very sad and messes with you mentally. The story is depressing at times, but has a lot of cute, happy, and wholesome moments to make up for it. But you have to be ready for when those depressing moments hit. The combat was hit or miss, but the feature where the characters can combo their moves together was fun. This game is mostly about the story and atmosphere though, and it definitely pulled through there.

Ghostrunner is just fun incarnate. The movement is amazing, the combat is very smooth, and the abilities are fun to tinker with. Whenever I died in this game, I was never mad. I just tried to think of new ways to use my abilities to help me accomplish my goals. It's very risky, as one shot will kill you no matter what. So you had to be creative. The story was alright, didn't pay too much attention to it because I was having so much fun with the core gameplay.

God of War 2018 was a pretty fun playthrough. The story was amazing, and seeing Kratos take a more relaxed approach as a father was nice. His character development in how he treated his son was wholesome. Combat was sort of just there, not amazing but not horrible. It was okay.

Not a game I'd usually play. I bought it on a whim. At first, I didn't like it much. It took me a few attempts to get into it. When I did though, it was pretty good! A few different paths you can go down for the story, and your choices do matter very much. I beat it once and while I don't think I would replay it, it was definitely fun.

A fun little indie game about managing your Kingdom and dealing with events that happened due to desperate promise in the past. It wasn't very hard overall, and once you get going, managing your resources becomes a lot easier. Commanding the battles was fun, although a little repetitive. I did feel like something was really on the line though, and this game forces you to make some tough choices. I had a lot of fun with this game and I'm sure you will too.

One of my favorite games of all time. Still remember my friend in elementary school telling me about this game and begging my parents to get it for me.

This game was my whole life for years, and it made me love the fantasy genre. Still holds up well to this day in my opinion, and made even better with the hugely active modding scene. One of Bethesda's last great games as of recent.

Amazing game. My first introduction to the Yakuza series. A great story that takes place across a couple areas in Japan. Side stories were mostly good. Lots of fun minigames around the map to kill time and get new items. Party system was very nice. A little grindy for materials, money, and some other things, but not too bad. Combat was fun, but some enemies took way too long to kill. Especially bosses, even using their weaknesses. It doesn't lose any points from me for that, though.

i HATE IT (i have 1600 hours)

My first time ever interacting with DnD and the first major turn based game I've ever finished. It changed my perspective on turned based games entirely and have found myself enjoying them a lot more since completing this game.

A story that is very different depending on your choices, and which lets you have so much freedom other games restrict. You can do so much in this game. If you can think of it, you can most likely do it. The DnD system's in the game were very easy to follow and fun to play with. The combat was super fun to me and like the story, allowed you to do pretty much anything. Finding stupid ways to kill bosses was some of the most fun I've had in awhile. The characters were amazing, along with their stories. There is so much content in this game and I'm sure I missed a lot of it, but that's why I always keep coming back. Definitely deserved game of the year.

Cyberpunk 2077 was a fun game to play through. The story was pretty good, the combat was smooth, and the characters were likeable. Lots of cool moments. I thought the main story could have been longer, and didn't know how I felt about the ending. But overall, it was a fun game. Can't wait to check out the expansion.