You know a story is peak when you beat the game at 2am and cant sleep the whole night processing how peak the story and game was. This is Kojima doing Kojima things

How in the seven hells did they make a peak turn based Mario game. All the characters and heck even peach is a A tier character, the final boss is legendary

best Kingdom hearts game and its not even close, the bosses are perfect, story made sense, peak OST, story bosses were the best here, the best and most creative combat in a KH game and peak post game content. Kingdom hearts will never reach this peak and that's ok.

Possibly the best game ever made, everything is perfect with this game, all that is missing is 60FPS (please Sony just update your game)

Kojima is the best in the business for a reason, this is the best start for the stealth games genre

Perfect combat system, peak bosses that Fromsoft has to offer and the best final boss in gaming. Really doesn't get better.


Best COD game, life at the time was at its peak

I know this one is the “most hated” and under appreciated Zelda game but it’s my top 3 fr

Best sonic game if it wasn’t on 5fps for 80% of the time

Best sonic game, it literally was flawless and the Chao garden is peak