therefore I AM very lost and confused

very fun good game i wish i could actually change keybinds because it hurts going across my keyboard while moving

they have deleted my accounts 3 times now

i think 'THE END' live event of this season is the best one we have gotten

i was very sad when tilted got nuked, i was also very sad when i tried staying up all night on the last day to get the omega lights... but fell asleep one level before it

i think this is a fun season and is overhated

i want to play xbox version so bad but the universe keeps stopping it from happening

across all devices.. many minecraft been played...,,

my dad has played 84% of my playtime

struggled to get through at release but came back and i really enjoyed, very fun

probably my favorite season?? i have great memories especially when i woke up day 1 and realized my mistake of falling asleep the previous night

i love this so much why was it not in 3d all stars