Cute, tidy, trenchant trip

Kirby as a concept won me over the second I learned about this impossibly adorable puffball's signature abilities. However, what few Kirby games I tried or watched didn't click with me, I would find them rather insipid when compared to similar games. That was until I gave this one a go. Its potpourri of modes are fun, varied and don't overstay their welcome, and it has sheen up the wazoo. Also, Meta Knightmare Ultra is sick as fuck.

When the music switched from Red Heart to Haachama Cooking Song, I felt that. Jokes aside, Mogu Mogu is a highlight, there's a bunch of tight corner ground pound boosts which allow you to breeze past a sweet portion of the level. The fact that each character has their own sound effects is the cherry on top.

My playthrough of this game must have been fairly singular, for, being grossly engrossed in this series' lore as I am, I knew it like the back of my hand beforehand. Apropos of the gameplay, it whilom drained my soul with every play session by virtue of its tension-inducing punishment. Some refinements to the undying formula burn brighter than others, but whilst only ashes remain of the world design of the chosen first one, the level design has been rekindled, nigh-on as incandescent, perchance.

Several of this game's power-ups are glaringly underused, and the potential of those which aren't is seldom tapped into. They could've been that little bit more audacious and revamped most of the game around these unique mechanics, seeing as they could be real game changers. What is more, the game didn't need to be this solid in the first place. The world is arcane (to a fault at times) in terms of gameplay, story and aesthetic. Backtracking was a particularly hazy and wearisome crucible.

Objectively speaking, the best game of all time

This is the first game I ever remember playing, but I know I never got very far. The one who set me on this path was none other than my father, most likely the person who's always most resented my enjoyment of video games. Such is life.

Rex should've made it too but PYRA & MYTHRA I LOVE THEM


I didn't expect this game to wind up being such a blissful outing

It's a fun game to jump around in. If some quests weren’t as roundabout as the way of raking through the world is, maybe I’d have less of a monkey on my back and more of the pigs in their bags.

Forasmuch as I never appear to be getting anywhere, I haven’t made enough progress to be making such bold statements, but I came into the game expecting a Metroidvania and, much to my surprise, what was awaiting me was a Metroid1ia, a seemingly endless one at that. I might do as with that game and look up a guide, damning as that may be. The only thing I want to know is how to begin to tackle this game. Maybe I just haven't committed hard enough to what the game asks of me.

I came looking for a new type of control scheme to try out and found a set of thorough universal mechanics and a unique cast of charismatic characters, which make up a fighting game that rocks through and through. It’s the kind of game the top-level play footage of which I drool over. Baiken main (not that it matters, I don't have basic fighting game fundamentals down).

Andaluces de Jaén,
aceituneros altivos,
decidme en el alma: ¿de quién?
¿De quién son estos olivos?

Alfheim shed light on the game's penumbra, thereby obliquely guiding bitches into a flamboyant play style more suitable for a witch. Bayonetta’s sensual moves likewise seduced me, enough for me to reach her climax, even if only once in a blue moon. Combos gracefully extended via offset dodges are the real crux of the combat system and engender a feeling of glamour which is nothing short of glorious. Devoting myself to one of these games is a temptation I’m looking forward to giving in to.