I love this game. It's one of my top played games on Steam. I cannot recommend it enough.

As a fan of TTRPGs, the DLC about Bunkers and Badasses, and the fact the Tiny is one of my favorite characters from the BL series, I loved this game. I nearly 100% this sucker.

I love how easy they made getting legendary loot. It takes some of the pizzazz away, but it's still awesome.

My one complaint would be the lack of enemy types. Coiled, goblins, trolls, mushrooms, skeletons, pirates and wyverns.. oh and the weird eye enemies too. I feel like the other BL games had more enemy types.

Regardless, I think any BL or TTRGP fan will like this one. It has the spirit of the other games in the franchise, while also making things new too.

Mega Mix is so much better. This one is just a bit too harsh with timing...

This game was fantastic. Puts most of the recent pokemon games to shame.

The fusion mechanic is awesome and a ton of fun.

The monsters are really good. Sure there are some x-as a beast, but they are still done very well. Each beast also has extra info about them to talk about WHAT they are based on.

100% recommend playing. So fun, I nearly 100% it.

Great art style, characters, and music. The story is pretty cool with a time loop...

However, it is still very much a ln RPG Maker game. I have spent 500+ hours in that program, so all of the defaults they used and the battle system just seemed so bleh to me. Like they have custom music but didn't go for custom sounds? It annoyed me a ton..

Maybe I'll play the sequel. We'll see.

Very simple Kirby game. Gave me no trouble, but I'd definitely give it to a kid to play. They'd like it more.

Also, how does that pink little ball keep fighting what are basically gods???

Played this for nearly another 100 hours. My God is this game a masterpiece.

Overall a decent game. To me at least, once the main quest is done, I had no idea what to do next so just stopped playing. I'm assuming there's more... But honestly I could bother to finish it. I'd rather watch the anime or read the manga.

Played it with my wife after the fallout TV show. I played this a ton as a kid and it was a blast to play it again. My wife gives it a 3/5, she's not a fan of shooter but liked the story and the alternative paths.

I remember watching let's play of this game as a kid. I would always get stuck on chapter 2 or 3 and quit playing it. Being able to finally beat the game was an awesome experience.

However... There are several chapters that were and still are awful. Several party members were also awful still too. This really did feel like they took TTYD and just updated it for the switch... A great game visually, story wise and all of that. But still has the same short comings as the OG.