Very fun pokemon like bullet hell game! Would recommend to pokemon or bullet hell fans.


Too short of a game for such a cute cat.

Meowed 100 times before I made it out of the starting area.


Interesting game with annoying mechanics. There's a reason the devs skipped this and remade Bowser's Inside Story...

Great concept, horrible game play. Love the art hate the combat.

Combat is awful. Idk why this is so popular. Like, I want games to make me SOMEWHAT think instead of auto hitting enemies.

A good story cannot fix bad gameplay.

Beautiful game. The music is awesome, the gameplay is crisp. Also, 808 is the best character.

I think the game is fun. But people are allowed to have their opinions... No matter how click bait-y their opinions are. Just play the game and have fun with it dang it! Stop bickering about if it's copying others. This game is fun, and sometimes more fun than the games of the survival or monster raising genre.

At least this game came out in a better state than a certain purple and red game... I like that too but MAN was it buggy mess.

A fun tavern game. The mid game gets way too hard tho

Played this as a kid. I cannot wait to play this again with my wife!


Loved playing this game during the pandemic. I still come back to it from time to time to see if my muscle memory is still there.

I played this a ton when it first came out. I haven't been able to play any of the DLCs, but I've heard great things about them.

Still loved when I discovered that you can feed people amethyst and they'll actually eat it for whatever reason.

You can make your cultists to eat poop. What more can I say!

2 is better. But this is an awesome kitty game.


I want all the penguins. Plz n thank.

This game is basically a phone app that was translated to other systems. Very annoying that they basically want you to come back every day. I bet this plays a lot better on a phone.