it's... sort of boring? and personally, there's not enough to it - i would've liked more customisation, only being able to rotate at fixed angles was very limiting. along with the colours... i feel bad writing this, but i just didn't enjoy it :/


um i didn't really gaf about the story, it was sort of.. uh, eh? idk. super fun though, at least with my friend :) don't really like playing it on my own, tbh.

definitely deserves the hype. so so fun and the aesthetic is so good

ya i'd consider this an official unofficial expansion. uh aside from the voice acting it really felt Real. i did get used to kevin's(?) voice after a while. also the game felt reallllly long? i cant really remember how long the other ones were tho. so there's certainly content. also unlike every other protag i found myself not caring about stefan. sorry to stefan. Yea play this its pretty good

literally has the tenth class in this. the fucking unicorn is the tenth class.

originally i was going to call this complete dogshit and awful but then i had a realisation that its passable if ur a child who cant get any other minecraft game or something. but they were seriously charging $40 dollars for this? scam. that's all ill say.

it's what it says on the tin. and that's fine, it was nice to look at! i liked playing portal. it's a good game. the problem, though, is that I think my computer starts like. fusing. or something. smells electrical. i don't have a beefy computer, but it is very good, i think? idk its a ship of theseus that i didn't build BUT it should be able to handle this? so I'm not sure what about it is so 'taxing'. grow up. i'll try playing this again in winter idk lol

really really good. it made black mesa labs actually feel like a place and not just a set. and xen is stunning. i actually felt bad for the npcs that died or i had to leave behind...... BUT! this does end up feeling like a completely diff experience to HL1, so i don't think it can be used as like a replacement for that. personally. lived up to the hype that's 4 sure

i will have to admit..... i liked this less than hl1..... and my fave parts of THIS game were the nova prospekt and citadel levels, so maybe that speaks to my preferences? wandering around a dilapidated building? idk. i still loved it though im so into this shit holy

i love differing perspectives so this + blue shift was really fun. i liked the details you can glean about adrian's personality through the animations; specifically the one where he pats that alien gun or whatever. reminds me of that gordon animation where he tries to get the bug to bite his finger. the powered chestplate was interesting, I guess it makes sense? but it also shows even further that barney was ass out no good armour the whole time.....

realistically how tf did he actually survive. practically barenaked running around meanwhile freeman has a freakin HEV suit and doing nearly the same shit lol

i love this game its so fun I think this gave me the civ effect and not actual civ.... hehe. literally I can play this over and over

the peggle fandom is dying; like if you love pegging

played this a lot when i was a little baba... but i only had the the fucking DEMO as a kid. so i bought it now in my elderly age and it is fun and i finally got to experience the whole game and click on all the random shit whilst being BLASTED with nostalgia :)