got to the torture sequence, died, and realized i hadn't saved for hours. i'll come back eventually

great collection, the gyro aiming is really useful

extremely mid but still interesting, with good music and art. just held back by some all around questionable level design, and screen crunch on game gear

the side stories are incredibly touching, emotional, and do so much justice for these characters that absolutely deserved it, but the nonsensical extra lore hamfisted into the fake OS drags the entire package down. still worth a play for any fan of the original

muthafuckin meat on the bone Masterpiece.

Unfortunately, Tra

something about the surreal yet relatively grounded location of hope's peak just gets in your head and sticks with you, it's the perfect setting for a game like this. however, Transphobia

i mean it genuinely is a fine kart racer, it's not horrible. though the best i can say is that it gets better the lower you set the resolution

i can see some of what people like in this game, but it really does take some of the worst of 9 with level and game design, and ends up becoming the mega man 2 of fangames in terms of being overhyped. plus, the ending is the biggest example of one of the worst trends in the classic mega man community story-wise.

my favorite rougelike, honestly. insanely addictive with issac-style crazy item combos that can lead to truly memorable runs. a great story and lovable characters to top it off, not to mention Bazongas

endlessly replayable, one of the most content-rich of the series. it never comes to mind first when i think of my favorites, but it honestly should. it’s only held back by what mega man 1 was, and even then it takes great strides above it.


mega man 9, perfected. the dlc is phenomenal too, this is probably the best game he's been playable in and it makes his already fun movement style an absolute joy.

it’s really a mixed bag. terrible story (english voice acting aside, we all know about that), weird sprites with a lanky, rubbery mega man and a perspective that doesn’t really make sense or look good, janky weapons and required segments with some, the list of flaws goes on. but with gorgeous backgrounds, good boss designs, and amazing music, it’s hard to call it the worst.

a timeless campaign, far from just another take on shovel knight's story, though it does undoubtedly compliment it. forever one of my favorite games, and it isn't even sold standalone

definitely rough, but so charming for what it is, and undeniably essential to understanding the games that came after. if you have to use save states, rewind, etc. to enjoy this game, that’s fine, but really do try to give it a chance.