Have been playing since Day 1 of the closed beta, being so excited that Riot Games, one of my favorite developers had developed a tactical shooter in the same vein as Counter-Strike, featuring unique characters, a round-based economy system and ever expanding lore.

While a fantastic game, and a testament to what Riot Games is able to achieve when taking known working concepts (in this case Counter-Strike & Hero Shooters) and releasing a polished product... the game has been a huge reason I have not completed or played most of my backlog.

This game you could really tell at release was a far cry from being anything resembling a "finished" product. It's multi-player was segregated into limited playlists missing fan-favorite modes, no forge, no co-op (a series staple) and a campaign rampant with bugs, crashes and glitches.

Recent patches have brought the game more in line with what fans expected in the first place, or so I was told, so I decided to play through the game's campaign and while I thought it was solid, it was sorely missing the co-op and it was very obvious. The open world you traverse to get to missions is clearly designed in mind for multiple people to be playing through it. Co-op testing is going on now, but I worry it could be "too little, too late" as many will have already beaten the game by the time co-op finally arrives.

As far as the multi-player, there are definitely improvements since launch, but it's definitely still not quite "there". Fan-favorite modes like Griffball, Zombies and more are no where to be seen but do seem tucked away in the game files.

As it stands, it's definitely worth a playthrough on Gamepass but the F2P multi-player, with those that owned/played through the campaign getting almost nothing in the way of cosmetics, it feels very barebones with limited playlists and not many ways to customize your spartan if you're not willing to pay for yet another season pass.

After many years of mobile knock-off's dominating the market, Riot Games decided to provide a mobile experience for League of Legends that does not disappoint. Scaling well depending on your phone, on my iPhone 13 Pro I am able to run at 120fps with great graphical settings that allow unprecedented user customization for their preferred performance.

The game has continued to receive major updates and events, and soon Xbox Games Pass subscribers will have access to all champions. Highly recommended mobile game that has no ads and absolutely zero pay2win mechanics.

Really awesome game that has gone above and beyond expectations set in early access.

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The more I play, the more I appreciate about the first 2D Metroid game in years. Now, as a note to any Metroid fans reading, I was actually a big fan of Metroid Fusion's use of more "intimate" story telling and I think this game does a great job of having that sense of, well, dread as you embark across a desolate, wrecked planet in search of answers and of course your powers.

I am so far leaving the area "Elun" and am loving the story, which again is well done and really expands the lore. The 2D environments are full of local wildlife and vegetation, hidden areas and well-designed boss fights. Even if you've never appreciated a Metroid before, I would at least suggest looking into it.

Another point in the game's favor and what stood out to me is that you really do obtain a lot of powerful abilities, but you never get to the point where you feel you are an unstoppable god. At the end of the day, you're still Samus Aran, intergalactic bounty hunter who is now desperately trying to escape a desolate, hostile planet.

Update: After beating the game, I just have to say what a thrilling adventure! After finally confronting Raven Beak, who has secretly been communicating to you and impersonating your ship AI, has secretly tricked you into becoming a Metroid! Final form Samus at the end was so freakin' cool, and I loved that the X that infected the helpful Chozo used it's power to cure her. My personal favorite Metroid 2D and I can't wait for the next Prime.

Picked it up shortly after it came out, really loved what I was seeing but my other games sucked me away. Logging this one because I really do want to see what they did to finally shake up the Pokémon formula.

It's really hard to write an objective review for this game, I must admit. Having put hundreds of hours into it since beta, you would think I would have a ringing endorsement. But honestly, it can either be one of the best multiplayer shooters on PC or a miserable experience depending on your lobby.


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When the game came out, I was not at all intrigued by the idea of a brawler focused on Kung-Fu. But when I saw the actual fighting system, the rogue-like systems in play and the trade-off you make to stay alive versus starting over. Ended up beating the game after sparing everybody and getting the "good ending" which really was memorable.

They have since added a new difficulty, will have to go back soon.

What's there to say about the digital card game that brought about the likes of Eternal, Legends of Runeterra, Gwent etc. I don't play anymore, but after playing World of Warcraft I quickly embraced the game that let me keep a digital collection and didn't have to worry about a physical one.

While a lot has happened since 2014, and we just had a new expansion drop with Murder at Castle Nathria, the game still holds up and many changes have been made to make it more friendly to newcomers. Instead of the "Classic" set, there is now a "core" set of cards all player's have access to for that year. A great concept that brings back old cards into the current standard rotation.

With that being said, I do have an issue with how absurdly expensive the game can be (while it has gotten better). I decided to purchase the $50 bundle for pre-ordering the expansion, granting me 60 packs and 2 legendaries. In my 93 packs I opened today, I opened a total of 3 legendaries. Plus the two I got randomly. I cannot play a single new deck despite spending all this money.

While I love it, I can't in good conscience recommend this game to newcomers due to the prohibitive cost.

A fantastic remake that got shelved due to so many other things going on. Definitely going to be the next on the list since beating Metroid Dread.


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Started playing Stray and I would say I'm about 10%ish the way through the game so far. I definitely had my eye on the game for a while, especially in development. Cats and a cyberpunk world? You're playing as the cat? I decided then to avoid the publicity and hype and wait for release.

So far, I am blown away. Going in, you must be aware that this is at it's core an adventure game but to clump it in with the "walking simulator" genre would be a massive disservice to what Annapurna Interactive have done with Stray.

The movement, thankfully, honestly feels "catlike". I can't phrase it any other way, it feels pretty good. You're not platforming in the traditional sense, which again may disappoint some who may come in expecting skill based jumps when there are none. The game wasn't developed in the sense that "jumping" would be the element they were going for with Stray.

Instead, you are given little to no information at the beginning and slowly, and actually convincingly, develops a coherent story that I cannot shed any light on without completely ruining it. Just know you are a cat in a cyberpunk city. Go from there.

The game has puzzle solving, rewards exploration, beautiful graphics on our 4K HDR TV and a compelling narrative to keep you playing. This along with several other games made me decide to upgrade to PS+ Extra and I'm glad I did because Stray is a very unique and fun experience I would recommend to everyone.

Update: It's pretty much impossible to discuss the game and my thoughts without revealing spoilers about the story. I personally thought it was very gripping, and as you come to discover that you, a stray but very intelligent cat, have fallen into a failed human society that was built to house it from dangerous, life threatening weather and conditions.

Towards the end we learn that the facility including the control room, had two big problems: Waste and what to do with it. That and of course, the plague that spread through the entire complex, possibly decades ago, killed every single last human being leaving only the robot assistants.

Over time, it appears they not only began to mimic our behaviors, but eventually became self-aware. A group of these robots became determined to leave, by any means necessary, to see the fabled "outside".

I can't say I didn't tear up near the end, but an absolutely phenomenal adventure game with a great story to tell.

As a big RTS player on PC, I definitely have always been a big fan of the Kingdom Rush games that brought an element of that to the tower defense genre.

Since this came to Apple Arcade, I decided to put some time into it and was not disappointed. They really upgraded the experience with every new battle having an actual plot and different things happening in each one, unique fun heroes and great combat.

A really intriguing and fun game I started but never finished on PC. I've really been meaning to get back to it but just haven't found the time yet. Looking forward to spending more time in the universe and learning more about it.

So I would have to say you must understand that this review is coming from the perspective of someone who was a fan of the first and a massive fan of the second.
With that out of the way, I will try to be as unbiased as possible in this review of the game and attempt to look at it through the eyes of a newcomer to the series. I would say, just like the last one when it came out, that this is a fantastic time to jump into the Splatoon universe, the coolest Nintendo has created in a long time, and have a great time with friends and soon-to-be friends splatting each other and painting walls.
It's a great time, and a game I heavily recommend to people who feel burnt out on everyday shooters and are looking for something different. The core game mode, "Turf War" pits two teams of four against each other to paint the map their color, represented as a percentage at the end. Going into battle, you have various tools at your disposal, many new to the series in this game such as the "Splatana Wiper". I'm quite partial to the "Dark Tetra Dualies", a dual wielded weapon that allows you to dash in any direction in quick succession 4 times.
You also have quite a lot of gear to customize the look of your character and the game is absolutely full of unlockable clothes, fun things to customize your locker and even an entire collectible trading card game built into it - with no in-app purchases and frequent in-game events.
I've barely touched on the Single-Player, but it's definitely the best in the series as far as it comes to execution. It also has an added bonus of each mission unlocking "Alterna Logs" that tell the Fall of Humanity and the rise of the current society.
If you're on the fence or ever been interested, I cannot recommend the game enough. It's very rare for Nintendo Switch to have an exclusive title that has a lot of online features and is also GOOD. As an added bonus, the community in Splatoon 3 is super welcoming and it's easy to find friends to play with.

Finally beat the game today, and honestly I'm glad I took the time to sit down and beat this classic in all it's glory with the PS5 performance patch. The game is a dramatic departure from the past games when it comes to story-telling, gear and upgrades. It takes on a more serious tone but without losing that trademark, badass trademark God of War combat.
The world is entirely open, but not in the classic "Ubisoft" bad way. The world is teeming with people with real issues to solve, tragic tales to unwind and dragons to free. The game also sports absolutely stunning visuals and scenes, with varied environments and a very robust new game+ that allows you to take Kratos with his current gear and abilities into a fresh save.
The game is definitely up there with Sifu when it comes to games that really nailed the "action" I was looking for in a game. This game of course is far more ambitious and had hundreds of people working on it, but I thought it was worth mentioning that while the game is lauded for taking GoW in a new, solemn direction it is just as badass as the rest of the games. It's also the best one in the series.