the only game where you can say "yeah the parrot testimony went crazy"

i want kaoru to call me her little kitten

i only played this game cuz xander was hot

Cool game with cool art. I kind of became like the main character towards the end of my playthrough where I was just making girls solely for sacrifice, which enhanced the experience for me.

Playing through this game for the first time felt like hell. It's like the game would detect when I'm having fun and it would pull some bullshit to make sure I suffer. It got to a point where I had to use an invincibility cheat on a boss's phase because I was getting so frustrated.
Once you actually pass the stages and get upgrades, you begin to have fun just looking for treasures and taking the routes you normally wouldn't. Don't play this game if you value your time.

i fucking hate this what is wrong with me

here's the pc option

helltaker? more like, uh, mid :/

good game, too bad i suck at it

i dont know who any of these bitches are but the music is good and the gameplay is good i like when the blond boy nae naes

this is the only rance game i finished it was funny the gameplay kinda stinky but it was fun just watching the game do its thing

i would have liked this more if i was 14 years old

i love the p3 characters but damn they really had the short end of the stick compared to p5d in every aspect besides menus

the localized versions are absolute trash and remove content for no reason play the japanese version