This is indeed a licensed game based on Lucky Star.

I've actually beat this six times before logging it, but I wanted to say that I've truly completed it once I got the Net Idol Meister ending with at least one character. I don't recommend this to anyone that isn't desperate for more Lucky Star content. This game is repetitive and stupidly luck (lol) based, and you have to choose between playing the same three minigames or dumb quizes that I can't understand because I don't know Japanese.
I still like this game, though. It's filled with a ton of fanservice for fans of the series, nearly every bit of dialogue is voiced by the same actresses from the anime, and there's funny costumes and references. There's also a ton of characters, so you'll be playing this for a while if you want to see everything it has to offer.

Highly recommend playing this on emulator if you want to finish one playthrough in a reasonable amount of time. I'm going to keep playing this game and will write another review once I have just about everything.

Bayonetta: Oomfie Edition is so good. At first I was hesitant due to the control scheme being much different from the mainline games, but it's quick to get the hang of. It doesn't go "guys remember the other Bayonetta games?" at all until maybe the end, but it's more of a reward for being able to make it so far than pandering. My only complaint would be the map. I'm not sure what direction it's trying to point me towards half of the time to be honest, but I'm also stupid so who knows. There's also not too many voice clips so bosses will repeat themselves often.
Art direction is solid, gameplay is too. Cereza's voice actress is really good. I like when she says "Cheshire, over here!"

I've waited seven years to play this and did it all in one sitting. It is... a lot.

i hate this game so much it is so slow and so grindy and obtuse that i had to use a japanese playthrough to figure out where the hell things were and even then i had issues
i got really close to beating this but then the school-issued chromebook i was playing it on somehow blocked the emulator so i lost all my progress so i got to add the public school system to my list of things that have cucked me out of seeing my wife (mendo)

Great puzzles and I love the new features. As always with these newer Picross titles, I can't tell if the puzzles are too easy or my skill level is higher than what the game expected.

Did casual playthrough going for Mio. I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way -- what bliss.

why this funny robot ball got me feeling emotions

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listen travis and sylvia are objectively terrible for each other but when she says "my no more hero" i fucking cry every time

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It's insane how you just have to let Meryl die in order to get the gay ending. Kojima was ahead of his time(?)

It has fun writing and characters, but the plot is lacking and only gets interesting right at the end. I like all of the mechanics with the guns and I love the world, but I think that it should have been left in the oven more.