After ten years I have finally beaten this game and I must say that it is one of the best Flash games ever made.
Even though it has that over the top gore aspect that was prevalent in Flash games of its time, there's so much genuine love for the NES in there that you can't help but smile when Abobo and Aboboy brutally slaughter an entire crowd of people just because they can.

It's so cute, I love Peach. Not too sure what they're doing with the direction on her voice but I don't mind it in the context of this game.
I went into this with the thought in my mind that this is a baby game for babies (and it kinda is) but there are parts that made me go fucking apeshit because I messed up. Too often you're not allowed to go backtrack in a stage to get any collectibles you may have missed so it's a bit frustrating when you go replay a level and miss just one thing and have to start over from the very beginning of the stage.
The little creature that follows you isn't annoying thankfully and I kinda like the new species that roams around the theater.
I'm writing this all out on my phone while the credits are playing so this review may not make sense but I really enjoyed it. I have been suffering from a headache for the past few days that is unrelated to this game and while the game didn't make it better it did give me something fun to focus on.
Anyway, time to 100% it.

My chapter one review was foolish.
I think Toby Fox is an insane person.

I hate porn. I hate pornography so fucking much that it kills me.
This is a good game. The level scaling is really stupid, though. If you're slightly underleved in an area, you get your ass beat. If you're overleved, everything dies in one hit.
The art is great. The animations are wonky looking, but reading the Alice's Mansion entries made me appreciate that.
There's a lot of ryona in this. I think it's interesting that the main artist is into that and admits to jacking off to beating up Kula in DOA6. There's also a lot of NTR, but you can skip that if you act quick.
I like Alyce. She is cute.
It is amost 3 am and I spent the past 12 otr more hours playing ad breating this game so im sorry if none of what im saying makes sense i had a lot of fun with it joker is a baby and zappa i will have sex with him (gay) i also like that you can have the men as talents in the new game plus the music is also very good
10/10 game

Might just replay this on DS because I can tell that the PC really fucks with the presentation.

Imagine if every time you saved in a game you had to get into an argument with your girlfriend.

I got 200% on this game.
Don't do that.

killed a guy in one hit with "lactations" how bout you

dont play this on emulators i am begging you i dont care if you dont want to import a japanese copy or you dont want to buy a prepatched copy from some scummy dude do yourself a favor and play this on actual hardware

I want Kiryu to beat me up and then have consensual sexual relations with me.

Imagine being a little girl in the year 2000 trying to enjoy a funny little game based on your favorite anime and you end up crying in frustration at its difficulty.

"Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove really rocks!"
- a character in this game