I am going to miss seeing Lynn Minmay in a white swimsuit shaking her ass while singing showa-era idol songs. Thank you Minmay for sex.

One of the best to ever do it. I hope Uchikoshi finds happiness and love in his future.

i wanted to get the transmission received achievement but i accidentally beat the game again

"Goodbye then, little village" hits so much different after 10 years.


"haha funny dog game" bro i wanna fucking kill myself

Imagine being a little girl in the year 2000 trying to enjoy a funny little game based on your favorite anime and you end up crying in frustration at its difficulty.

if i ever have to hear the sound they make when they move spaces in the story mode again im gonna kill someone

Genuinely one of the best games made. I feel like if I played another MGS game it wouldn't live up to the hype.

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It's insane how you just have to let Meryl die in order to get the gay ending. Kojima was ahead of his time(?)

One of the best games ever.
I'm not logging all the speedruns I did, but I got it down to 38:59.77.