I got 200% on this game.
Don't do that.

makes me sleepy in a good way
i got the game when it was still in early access and then restarted it once it got the full release which i kinda regret because i hated doing the ferris wheel stage

Great puzzles and I love the new features. As always with these newer Picross titles, I can't tell if the puzzles are too easy or my skill level is higher than what the game expected.

It has fun writing and characters, but the plot is lacking and only gets interesting right at the end. I like all of the mechanics with the guns and I love the world, but I think that it should have been left in the oven more.

Don't look at me with those eyes, Mama

Very cute and small game with good humor. It was really straight forward with only two or so parts that were too obtuse. It's nice!

This game reminded me why I stopped seeing my therapist. I mean this in a positive way.
I wish the menus weren't so damn slow, though.

Kinda shocked that this game is as good as people say it is. Pink Link is very cute! I also like how he doesn't wear pants!