never played the first one so idk how much of a letdown this might be to long-term fans but I'm having fun with it, actually expected this to be trash.

I never had an original XBOX and hence was never able to play the original version of this game, which on the other hand is probably for the better. Because of that, I was able to fully enjoy this one the PS3 and later the PS4 remaster, which looked amazing. Gameplay-wise, the game aged gracefully and is still easily one of the best in the genre.

Loved the first game back then on the Vita but playing the successor now 10 years later just left me with a big headache and incapable of finishing it. Which is sad, because the game looks great and they really did a great job to make the world even more alive than in the first one. But the gameplay just doesn't work for me anymore. Idk, maybe I will pick it up later some time and finish it.

Of course I bought the game day one and initial impression of the game after the opening hours gave me goosebumps, it just seemed like the perfect way modernizing this beloved classic. However, after some time I got more and more frustrated with the weirdly unsatisfying and unprecise combat. Still, I forced myself through the second half of the game, thanks to the top-notch atmosphere, graphics, and detail with which they managed to make Midgar come alive.

Well, until the incredibly depressing ending. I'm not going into full detail because of spoiler territories but they f**ked up the story so badly, I still can't comprehend what they were thinking, even long after finishing the game.

It's funny how people mostly complain about the underwater levels when "Nightmare" is the real nightmare.

This game just proved to me that the Switch badly needs some sort of a trophy system. The poverty achievements that were implemented as an replacement in this game was kinda sad unfortunately. Gameplay-wise, this game still feels great. Felt a lot like the OG Resident Evil thanks to the level design, way more than Onimusha 3, which was more reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden to me in this regard. Didn't mind the short length either.

I can not even explain how horrible this game's combat felt to me

the more time I put into it the more the cracks started to show but at that point I was way past the 100h so I can't really complain at all.

the game-iest game I have played in ages. thanks team ninja

got stale unfortunately. still fun overall.