i don’t know how they made one of the greatest survival horror games of all time even better, improved gameplay mechanics and story/character wise made more sense (we got more of a back story of how leon became an DSO Agent) . expanded on the current lore whilst adding new monsters, improved krausers knife fight, making it seem more than just QTE.. i felt Ashley was more difficult than the original which is good, because id just hid her and call her when i cleared out everyone. Though a major improvement from the original, the chapters were embedded perfectly. it did remove some of leons iconic lines which would stand up for the original but id say its more fitting for leons character in the remake timeline to behave as he did.

everything about this game is perfect, you lose yourself through James (main protagonist). feeling as lost as him, through the whole atmosphere of the game and the good soundtrack. all endings are thought out very well and treated with care. there’s not much else to say other than its literal perfection, every area you explore, maria and angela well written characters. ALSO great replayability!

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though i liked the idea the execution was terrible. though the playable characters were flowed through each-other story well. it was lacking alot, plot wise and character wise were lacking especially in kara’s plot line. The plot twist ruined Kara’s dynamic with the daughter. many parts of this game felt like a drag. i did enjoy the Markus sequence when he raided the tower because it was actually fun, i enjoyed hanks and Connors dynamic, my opinion it was the strongest story amongst the three, with actual good writing.

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tbh i first initially had a bad opinion on this game because when i was using keyboards the bindings felt very clunky. since when i have a controller i really did love the swinging mechanics and combos, HOWEVER despite playing on the second hardest mode i still found the game to be too easy as it just felt repetitive like objectives around the map, i felt like the side quests that i did were a waste of time. i found myself getting bored and it felt useless as it gave no insight on peter/spiderman that we didn’t know already. that being said i still believe this is a 3.5 because i think it tackles peters character even more than the films. where peter had to chose the people over his needs, was laid out with really well.

cozy farming simulator, that is easily enjoyed. There’s so much you can do

i hate it yet i play it alot, pretty addicting

i really enjoyed this to be fair, the added dodge mechanic is great. I feel like there’s a double sided opinion when i say it was short, like i wanted so much more from re3rm yet i enjoyed how short it was. it didn’t feel like it was dragging on which i liked. i did like nemesis encounters though most scenes felt scripted , i wished there more of him chasing you around similar to mr X which would’ve created a greater horror atmosphere.

this is by far my one of my favourite resident evil instalments . though i used to find the fixed cameras hard to control, i got used to it and it really fitted in well the mansion atmosphere in this. i enjoyed the puzzles, the different endings, characters. EVEN the door animations, just feed into the tense surroundings.

its was initallly great for me but when i played the last two episodes i felt like it was a bit dragged yet rushed.

the suspense in this game had me going, the plot twist was done well. though i feel like in certain points it lacked, i didn’t really get the point in madisons character.

i think the monsters through the game were great, every single atmosphere of the game was pure horror, even if you expected/ not expected it. the soundtrack was great, heather was an excellent protagonist and underrated, standing out from other silent hill characters.

the art style is unique, plot is decent, music was a vibe. i enjoyed the plot twist. though some of the dialogue is a bit cringe, and unnecessary and i feel like overall it’s forgettable.

its overhated, but i get why. Despite having a decent plot and dialogue, i couldn’t really care less for Javi (though i did like his character) . I felt like this should’ve been more of a continuation of clementine’s story. I didn’t like the different endings, i felt like they were completely rushed.

its a perfect end to the walking dead telltale series. last episode was the strongest for me, i felt like episode 2 fell off in many ways (telltales habit of always either saving one of two people really irks me every time they do it)

lacks content but good for wasting time.