6 reviews liked by blacksheep

Wasteland 3 has been thoroughly recommended to me every time I ask for a recommendation for RPGs with a good story, so I got into it extremely excited. The game starts with an incredible opening that sets high expectations for the rest of the game. Unfortunately, the plot and storytelling fail to maintain this momentum. The storyline often feels immature and lacks subtlety. Maybe I was hoping for my mind to be blown away by the characters, overarching narrative, or plot twists. But no, I feel like the game heavily leans on absurdity as amusement. When you have one or two characters that are quirky or weird, they are memorable in themselves—an oddity, if you will—but if everyone is quirky or weird, then you are in a circus. Every character, from minor NPCs to major plot figures, behaves like clowns trying to outdo each other in banter or attention.

This over-the-top humor overshadows any potential for meaningful character development or emotional investment. The absurdity of situations and characters often feels forced, with the game relying too much on bizarre humor that doesn't always land. This focus on comedy detracts from the stakes of the story, making the wastelanders appear more concerned with petty antics than the dire circumstances of their world. This lack of serious, grounded characters makes it difficult to care about the events unfolding in the wasteland.

As mentioned before, the story starts with promise, featuring a "cliché" plot that could have been enjoyable if executed well. However, as the game progresses, the main story becomes forgettable, and the side stories feel pointless. Aside from companion quests, there are few side stories that capture interest or add depth to the narrative. With the constant barrage of jokes and absurdity, going from quest to quest feels like visiting the next patient in Arkham Asylum. As a result, the quests feel like mere excuses for delirium rather than meaningful adventures.

Not to mention the ending is a rushed mess that undermines the decisions made throughout the game. The game’s attempts to tie up the narrative quickly lead to a dissatisfying resolution that leaves much to be desired. I would recommend this game as a sort of palette cleanser for gritty, dark, and serious RPG stories, but other than that, I would not recommend it unless you enjoy the tone and atmosphere of it.

I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIIIIGHHTT

I'm so happy this game exists. It blew all my expectations out of the water, and especially after 13 years of anticipating this game's release, that's a feat to behold of.

I really like the vibe of the city but the repetitive missions, bad combat, and lack of drive to continue due to your player character not having a personality, this one's just okay.