Flawed but charming. Sometimes you need a little power trip to keep yourself going.

Evil pricing and very few actual upgrades from the base game but the button controls worked surprisingly well after getting used to them. Still the best way to play Skyward Sword. I don't think it's anyone's favorite Zelda but it's a good time.

One of the best games ever - slightly brought down by some backtracking sections and unintuitive items/visors. The thermal and x-ray visors were cheap ways to hide more secrets and the artifact hunt was pretty annoying. Prime 2 is better imo by a little bit. The scanning mechanic is one of the most genius ways to convey lore and storytelling through meaningful gameplay. I'll always love the version on the GC (non-player's choice) for its sequence break at the beginning. Everyone should experience this game.

Makes me happy <3 but also hurts my back when I play for too long, which happens a lot lol

Everyone who says the N64 version is better needs to take off their nostalgia goggles - this version is mechanically and graphically superior. Loved that they included Master Quest too.

Honestly a much cooler atmosphere and tone than the other games in the series. Unfortunately, the gameplay couldn't keep my attention for that long.

One of the first games I ever played, and I got lost all the time lol. Very fun experiment in nonlinear Kirby

I'm not sure if I'm just dumb but it took me WAY longer than it should have to understand the true ending. Still a charming game.

Honestly kinda overrated lol. Besides the minigames and secret agent lore, the entire game was just spending money for crappy cosmetics.

Best 2D Zelda game, and has the best approach to nonlinearity thus far. Breath of the Wild needs to take notes from this game's rental system. It works wonders.

Not a FE superfan, but I really appreciate how the story was divided into multiple playthroughs. It was way easier to consume and let me take a long break in between routes. I wish there were more classes to choose from though.

Getting the controversial moments out of the way (yes, they were terrible), I think the gameplay was just weird. Like, I feel like this could have been an anime series or something.

what a cool and fresh new idea! so much personality.

Not as good as I would have hoped. It does nothing to innovate on the traditional JRPG format. I also don't like how Act 3 tries to completely retcon Act 2. This might sound like an odd comparison but if you've played Persona 5 Royal, your motives in act 3 are similar to the final villain's. It just leaves a weird taste in my mouth and certainly didn't help that your skill trees regress as soon as you go back in time. I'm so tired of the repetitive music that plays in every single DQ game (lol rest in piss sugiyama). I liked the characters, though. Erik and Hero definitely have a thing.


Very cool character design but its reliance on motion controls and its lack of content made it destined to be forgotten.