The coziest of cozy games. Deceptively grindy, seeps into your brain and becomes all you can think about. It rules.

finally, i can run takeshi morishima vs big van vader

Even while poorly optimized this game is a behemoth of an open world teeming with some of the most fun combat you can get today. A lackluster story but it's not a dumpster fire. 2024 GOTY so far.

The first city builder that really grabbed my attention. The ability to micro manage each and every aspect of your village makes for a simultanously relaxing and anxious experience, very very enjoyable even in it's incomplete state.

I am still new to this game but I am learning new things each time I play. The aesthetic piqued my interest from the get go and it's not completely got me hooked. I love reading the little descriptions of the terrain I am walking into, of each race religion and class, of all the weapons, etc. Just a joy to play over and over again, strategizing, theorizing, and killing gremlins.

GREAT combat and level design carries this game in a huge way. I am actively looking forward to getting back into it once the DLCs come out.

The best of these style of games. Has an unreplicatable goofy charm to it. RIP.

Best combat I have ever experienced in a video game. Well written story, lots of armor to collect, breath taking world, that's kinda all I need.

The best GoW game. Early Kratos is great of course but this more layered version of Kratos is the perfect version of him. Great combat. Unforgettable characters and story beats. Just fantastic.

Gameplay is king here because the story is very very lackluster towards the later half.