still the best sims game so far

does watching a youtube video count as playing it lol

can never forget abt this one

wish i could wipe this off from my memory and play it again

still listening to that one song that plays on the record player in the forest called push play lol

one of the best games ive ever played.

couldnt finish it cuz i couldnt do one of those rhythm games during a trial for the life of me lmao

couldnt finish it cuz it got way too hard for me at one point and im not the type of person who has enough patience to replay a part over and over again till i succeed lol but an amazing game regardless

tried playing realized its not really my cup of tea

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quickly became one of my fav bad endings ever lol....she kinda had it coming tho ignoring literally almost everybody telling her not to dig that place. still, thats what her whole life had been building up to so cant really blame her either. hoping for a sequel where her brother adam covers up/destroys the barrow for good and takes revenge for her sister.

so....idk where to start. i discovered this game from gab smolders on youtube. usually i cant really play horror games cuz they stress me out too much but since i realized this was a turn-based game that didnt require running away from things i wanted to give it a try. and let me just say, i started falling in love with it pretty quickly. so much so that even unnecessarily sexualized images of women who were victims of violent crimes (even d*ad women sometimes) were kind of bearable as i knew lots of visual noves games (esp. japanese ones) incorporated overly sexualized images of women to cater to their male audience. despite that, i LOVED the friendship blooming between the mark bearers, the suspense, thrill and plot twists. in order for me to really like a game, most of the time there has to a group of friends that are bonding over time together because it makes me want to play more in order to see what else they're gonna get through together. so i really liked that aspect, along with the stories behind the vengeful spirits, the mechanics and the mystery of it all. however, i have to say that the female victims always having to die extremely violent deaths that men don't or showing female victims in overly sexual positions that do not add ANYTHING to the plot nor the gameplay annoyed me very much. they already had a pretty good thing going on for the game in terms of the plot, the characters, the art and many more. catering to an audience full of horny incels who do nothing but objectify women's suffering doesn't do anything positive for the games legacy, if anything it destroys it. i still enjoyed the game thoroughly enough to immediately download the second one to play.

i literally JUST finished the game and i will start with my honest kind of negative opinions first then delve into the positive ones.

The sexualized images of female victims, women in danger or even almost naked depiction of underage girls that appeared every now then, although a huge shock, was nothing I didn't see in the first game but I still thought it would cease to exist or at least not happen as frequently with the second game so I was looking forward to this new installment.

Unfortunately, I've been let down. The focus on sexualizing women and girls who aren't of age is taking away from the horror and making the game feel more like an objectification simulator to me. I wish they would consider a change of direction and find new ways to tell a creepy and compelling story without resorting to cheap shots and fanservice. I feel like the game is losing its charm by trying to appeal to a certain type of male player rather than focusing on making a great horror game. The gratuitous sexualization of women who aren't even of age gives the game a creepy and perverted vibe instead of a scary one. It makes it feel like a game that's not meant for everyone, but only for a certain type of player to enjoy. It really takes away from the experience and it makes me sad to see a great game become this.

Now that I have said it all, again like the last game I loved seeing the team work together to fight off spirits, the mystery building up and the plot twists. I very much enjoyed the plot of the spirit we have been trying to destroy hiding in our circle as one of MC's friends. Although the parts where the two high school girls were hitting on the MC made me uncomfortable, I realized later on they were being possessed the whole time. I thought being in the school the whole time would be boring but it never was. I loved seeing Japanese traditions and rituals taking place in the game especially the last quest was very creepy. Overall, when the game doesn't focus on cheap horror game tricks like showing constant female nudity, it does a very good job of being creepy and mysterious.

Hopefully, if there ever is a 3rd installment, we are not exposed to any unnecessary indecent depiction of female characters.