Easily one of the most solid arena brawlers (an already sparse genre). A great time with friends but also good fun alone, though difficult at times. A group of friends, as many controllers, this game, and your choice of inebriants (if any), makes a guaranteed formula for a good time.

A fun crossover of GTA-clone and 3D platformer. It doesn't seem like a combination that would make much sense but, I can say with all honesty, I enjoy this more than any GTA that's ever been released.

Though it gets mixed reviews, i always have stood by FEAR 2 as a great and worthy sequel to the original, especially in how it built on the combat mechanics and the scripted horror events. Great level design, too. My only real complaint is in how short it felt.

Tons of fun, its a mindless shredfest and I wouldn't want it any other way. Truly a shame the chainsaw didn't return in this one (being replaced by some absurd mad max contraption).

I see comparisons to Left 4 Dead and COD: Zombies, and i have to say i enjoy it more than either.

Since release, its fallen down the path of paid weapons, cosmetics, loot crates and all that garbage. All just annoying enough to get me to stop playing.

The original shredfest. Rip and tear your way through several waves of zombies with your friends, what's not to love?

Had an incredible potential, its downfall was simply the MMO/souls format. Put simply, it turns it into a huge pain in the ass very quickly. It has a brilliant combat mechanics but surrounds it with a bunch of cliché garbage. It could have been a sensation as a traditional linear single player game.

One time my friends and I decided to do a "Catholic playthrough" where we only brought candles, ghost writing books, smudge sticks and crucifixes. We then ran around with fake scottish accents pretending to be catholic priests sent on a mission by god to "Cleanse the damned from this high school"

We got no clues and all died very quickly. 10/10

This shit rules. The Armquist fight is particularly enjoyable. Its a blast just flying and strafing around, dodging bullets and tank shells in huge firefights. The original was made in a time where the success of the GTA games prompted more mayhem-based open world violence, and it SUCCEEDS. The writing is funny too, not hilarious, but pretty funny.

Probably the weakest entry of the series, which I find especially odd considering it follows one of the strongest.

Maybe I just hate LA.

Fuck LA.

This one surprised me. Might not be as pretty as the A list WWE games, but it makes up for it with versatility. GM and career mode make for a hilarious caricature of the wrestling industry. Gameplay is really fun, reminiscent of older Nintendo wrestling games but with modern customability and moves.

Halo multiplayer didn't start going downhill when they added sprint, it started going downhill when they removed BXR and BXB.

On a more serious note, the second and third Halo games have a very clear focus on the vertical aspect of the game. It's what, to me, made Halo multiplayer so unique. The maps worked by being several layers on top of each other, with multiple points to travel between those layers. Lockout, Ivory Tower, Midship, Warlock and Headlong are all great examples of this. The game is almost entirely built around this style, and removing fall damage to emphasize this was a great move on their part.

The slow move speed and high TTK also work in this aspect, it makes you have to lock into any confrontation. You need to be more aggressive and vigilant, as you can rarely run away once someone starts shooting at you.


System Shock 3 in mostly the right ways, but unfortunately with less interesting enemies that become a bit too spongy towards the end. Still greatly recommend it, though. If you're bummed the sequel was cancelled, check out System Shock 2 or redirect your hype towards the System Shock remake.

This game rules. A classic for the PS2, and of comic book videogames. It covers a ton of ground in exploring the entire Marvel universe (which is to say, if you don't care about that, its a lot of different kinds of locations with unique enemies throughout) and with gameplay that makes you feel as though you're four different players in a Marvel-themed tabletop roleplaying game.

While it is still in development, and has plenty of kinks to work out, it already plays super well. I have a great time in this game, and my friends and I all get really into it. Already surpasses SWAT 4 while conveying the exact same feeling.

So, I'm not that big of an Assassins Creed fan, but this one stood out to me purely for its aesthetic and huge world. The narrative and ability unlocks are fun, and I dig that you can use whatever armor look you want. But, like a lot of others are saying, the leveling system itself is more annoying than enjoyable. I don't know if this was to make it more RPG-like or to ape Dark Souls in particular, but it stinks. Its harmful to the experience to make a world so expansive when your travels often take you to fights that are impossible to survive due to a little number over a characters head. It detracts from the players desire to build their skill at using the combat system itself, and instead makes them grind for levels.

All that said, i still had fun. I do think just about every player will find a point at which they feel they've reached a slog, where they've progressed to a point where they just need to grind and cant move whatever their focus is forward until they do.