Sometimes when I'm feeling a little down, I load Babbdi up and try to focus on existing within its oppressive concrete walls, I don't think I've seen a game that embodies the doldrums so completely. Everyone is in a unendable, untenable state of boredom, if not outright misery.

I'll get into the mood, wandering, doing essentially nothing. But inevitably, ill begin to ride around in one of its silly little motorcycles, climb some walls, or fly around surveying the skyline. Babbdi ultimately isn't a very serious game, of course.

and it puts a smile on my face knowing that, no matter what, at least one person is having a good time in Babbdi. And thats not even counting the tourists kicking it deep underground.

Easily one of the cooler point and clicks out there. Love the atmosphere and narrative. You really feel like a Lovecraft protagonist how you have to investigate and keep notes of everything. The animation and the art is really cool, too. I love their use of portraits of famous actors like Vincent Price, makes it so much easier to keep track of the characters and gives it a more cinematic tinge.

You know, I didn't expect this to actually be fun or funny to play. "Its just a meme game with a funny title," i thought.

I was wrong.

This might be my favorite Resident Evil game, if I'm being honest. It has a very cinematic feel but, not quite a Hollywood one, more like the Poughkeepsie tapes meets Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Don't get me wrong, i love 4 and 2 just as much as anyone, but this shit is scary as fuck. It gets under my skin in a way the rest of the franchise doesn't. The first person perspective and claustrophobic environment work together in a way that just makes you feel doomed from the very beginning. Which you are.


This game is why I bought VR.

Its straightforward and a ton of fun, definitely one of my favorites of all time. You play as a gladiator, tasked by the emperor to battle champion after champion, with an ever-expanding arsenal of floppy weaponry at your disposal.

You kill like 15 or 20 normal enemies, usually after being introduced to a new weapon, and the gauntlet is ended with a boss fight which usually is tailored to that weapon. Its gory as fuck. The enemies and weapons are all physics based, so you can grab them and throw them and shit, and tear enemies limbs off.

It's also a little easy, barring a few bosses, but also I don't really care for a challenge when I'm playing a game where you can rip someone's arm off and beat them to death with it.

I'm also probably the only person dumb enough to try a DDT in this game.

An absolute favorite of single player shooters, and horror more broadly. The level design, AI and slow motion mechanics combine to make a unique experience in each situation. The AI especially has always stood out to me, you can plan your attack just by hearing them communicate with each other, and the way they improvise cover is awesome.

While the core game is really good fun, and has a lot of great ideas that I think work really well for it, it falls victim to slog in sections where it deviates from its loop with minigames etc.

This game kicked ass. It was like TF2 if you could mix and mash different class abilities, weapons and character sizes. The weapons were wacky DIY gags with all different implementations. Some are traps, some are stealthy, it makes it so you can have a ton of variance in your playstyle. I remember a lot of people would use the bat wings with the large player model to goomba stomp people. I, personally, used the little girl with the invisibility so i could hit & run motherfuckers like the vietcong.

One of my all time fave multiplayer shooters.


Great game. Would have given 5 stars but i had to subtract one for causing columbine.


This game is hard, but I love the melee combat so much. This is a third person sci fi action game with the same melee and grappling controls as the Smackdown games, like you do hurricanranas and shit, it rules. Would have loved if they leaned more into the beat 'em up aspects over the ranged combat. Once you get the hang of it though, it's still really fun!

Trash. There's a few moments that are good in concept but 96% of this game is absolute ass.

Play Postal: Brain Damaged instead

If you want a successor to Postal 2, perhaps Cruelty Squad is a better answer to that. This ain't it.

Very repetitive but the world, the voice lines, and playing with the various bullet modes keep this game entertaining for at least a handful of hours.

Hard to wrap my head around this one. Certainly a huge step forward since its original release, but still with a lot of core issues with weapon and damage balancing. Stealth can also be pretty frustrating, though when the level design allows for it, it can be very engaging. My biggest other gripe is that I really wish this game had a third person perspective, I think third person is an option that should be available in any role playing game.

On the more positive side, the narrative and the world in general are very enjoyable. I spent a lot of time just walking and driving about and taking in the sights. I really appreciate their addition of the outfit system as well. You do get a very wide range of missions and characters to interact with, all of which have their own twists and quirks that keep them engaging. Also including Cyberpunk 2020 with every copy was a baller move.

I do have some gripes with the narrative in world, I think they could have explored and depicted punk culture itself a lot better, the musicians you're presented with are more like 80's buttrock type guys. And theres a scene where Alt Cunningham says Johnny is "no rockerboy" for being so devout in his opposition to corporations which had me like ??? what do you people think punk is supposed to be lmao. Also could have been cool to explore some of the theological stuff that a lot of cyberpunk authors like PKD or Iris Carver explored in the past, but that's much more specific.

All in all, you can get a pretty huge amount of hours out of this one and keep having fun. If you're into cyberpunk fiction, this game has solidified itself as a centerpiece of that experience.

You'll either love it or hate it.

While its clunky and sometimes really easy, the atmosphere and narrative is very fun. Its a mixture of a handful of Lovecraft stories, primarily Shadow Over Innsmouth. I had a ton of fun with this one, and did on a recent replay as well. It has a good mixture of exploration, social encounters, combat and stealth. I really like the moodier "peaceful" portions, but the combat is fun too.

I also think its ironic that its considered a cult game.

I consider this the pinnacle of post-9/11 gaming propaganda; violent, bloody, uncritically pro-american, and kind of racist. Pure 2005, I can smell the axe body spray just thinking about it.

It's also probably the most refined of the conflict series, mechanically speaking.