This is my favorite game of 2022. A great survival horror that plays like its genre's classics, while expanding upon and streamlining the form. It is every part System Shock as it is Blade Runner, Silent Hill, or Dead Space. I can confidently place this title on equal footing with all mentioned.

The Cocomelon of the Fallout franchise.

Shadow of the Colossus meets Sunset Overdrive here, Heart Machine made something to be very proud of in Solar Ash.

Gameplay flows extremely smoothly, and solve all your problems through extreme feats of balance and finesse. It can feel like a Sonic game at times even. The art direction is top tier as well, so many vast, beautiful landscapes with intense coloration and surreal geometry.

The narrative structure of the game where you go through the main story, one stranger subplot and one voidrunner subplot each level really encourages you to explore the entire level. You really feel for all these characters, too. They're well written and performed.

The boss battles are the real crown jewel here, though. Similar to Shadow of the Colossus, you need to hit multiple points on the giant to kill them, but with Solar Ash, you have to do it three times, with the course changing and getting more difficult each time. Watching yourself sail through these sequences at high speed is insanely satisfying.

Definite recommendation from me on this one

If Devil Daggers was evidence of Sorath having lost their minds, Hyper Demon is evidence of a kind of Lovecraftian ascension.

This is likely the best work in the sea of GTA-likes, and that includes GTA itself. The story hits hard and takes a lot of unexpected and dramatic turns, it gets pretty heavy. But its a very funny game, too. The side missions are hilarious in comparison to the main story, and customization alone will have you playing for hours.

I've included several links to get multiplayer working, help remedy the sound loop bug, unlock everything, and some good old fashioned cheat codes.

Probably the best Rainbow 6 game. Was a ton of fun for years when playing with friends. The cover system works well and every weapon has a unique feel. Unfortunately the sound loop bug has made it very difficult to enjoy online. If anyone has any other fixes for the sound loop bug, or easier ways of getting multiplayer running, let me know. Also, if anyone has a link for the Comcast Event map, please message me.

Here's a savefile to unlock everything in the game (Still works as of 2022):

A guide to get multiplayer functioning via Gameranger;

Here's a list of settings to help the sound loop bug happen less frequently (Turning off Vsync might not be the best option for some players) :

This reshader fixes the sound loop bug for some players, somehow. Validate files after install to avoid some... interesting bugs.

If any of these files go down, let me know, and I'll gladly replace these links with my own files on MEGA or something.

Some cheats, you will have to enable the "Use Xbox 360 Controller for Windows" option in the controls menu, and do these inputs at the pause menu during gameplay;

Super Ragdoll Mode:
Press A(x2), B(x2), X(x2), Y(x2), A, B, X, Y.

Unlock GI John Doe Mode (Blue tracers, Red enemies):
Press the Left thumbstick(x2), A, Right thumbstick(x2), B, Left thumbstick(x2), X, Right thumbstick(2), Y

Third Person (Story mode only):
X, B, X, B, Left Analog Stick (x2), Y, A, Y, A, Right Analog Stick (x2)

Its just one of those days
Where you don't want to wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sucks
You don't really know why
But you want to justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, talking that shit
Its just one of those days
Feeling like a freight train
First one to complain
Leaves with a bloodstain
Damn right I'm a maniac
You better watch your back
Cause I'm fucking up your program
And then your stuck up
You just lucked up
Next in line to get fucked up
Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
It's just one of those days
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, talking that shit
Punk, so come and get it
I feel like shit
My suggestion, is to keep your distance
Cause right now I'm dangerous
We've all felt like shit
And been treated like shit
All those motherfuckers
That want to step up
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might
Break your fucking face tonight
Give me something to break
Just give me something to break
How bout yer fucking face
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw
A chainsaw
A motherfucking chainsaw
So come and get it
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, let the shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip
It's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit
I think you better quit, talking that shit
Punk, so come and get it

Eastbound and down
Loaded up and truckin'


This game is cool.

Its biggest asset is it's Moebius-inspired aesthetic, makes trekking across the wastes and exploring feel so novel and enjoyable. (And please, use the high visibility color setting, its so much better looking)
The aesthetic is pretty rich, and really feels like I'm flipping through some old Heavy Metal issues when I'm riding around, but not when I'm talking to anyone, which brings me to its downsides;

It's oversentimental, has reddit existentialism themes, no action, and a lame sense of humor. I think it could have used some occasional combat, like Shadow of the Colossus or something.

But, all that's aside, because most of that's narrative stuff which will be a super small sliver of your playtime. The aesthetic is well worth it.

You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!
You need 5 action points!

Picked this up at a local games store on a whim. This game has some super rad visuals, the character design for the bad guys is cool as hell. The gameplay is fairly typical of an FPS, with the addition of a cover system that never works quite right.

To me, its biggest downside is honestly the boring protagonists and their faction. You're Space America(tm) with late 00's tacticool vibes. Your character is a boring shmuck, no two ways about it. I didn't give a fuck about the good guys in this game at all.

All in all, if you find it for a cheap price, i'd say give it a go. It's pretty cool looking and the level design isn't half bad, either.


Hell of a good time. My first encounter with this was in a hotel in the Florida keys sometime in the mid 00's. More recently, I was reacquainted with it at the arcade in the House of Blues' Showboat in Atlantic City. It still holds up, and its easily one of the finest arcade games I've played.

This game kicked ass. It was like TF2 if you could mix and mash different class abilities, weapons and character sizes. The weapons were wacky DIY gags with all different implementations. Some are traps, some are stealthy, it makes it so you can have a ton of variance in your playstyle. I remember a lot of people would use the bat wings with the large player model to goomba stomp people. I, personally, used the little girl with the invisibility so i could hit & run motherfuckers like the vietcong.

One of my all time fave multiplayer shooters.


This game is why I bought VR.

Its straightforward and a ton of fun, definitely one of my favorites of all time. You play as a gladiator, tasked by the emperor to battle champion after champion, with an ever-expanding arsenal of floppy weaponry at your disposal.

You kill like 15 or 20 normal enemies, usually after being introduced to a new weapon, and the gauntlet is ended with a boss fight which usually is tailored to that weapon. Its gory as fuck. The enemies and weapons are all physics based, so you can grab them and throw them and shit, and tear enemies limbs off.

It's also a little easy, barring a few bosses, but also I don't really care for a challenge when I'm playing a game where you can rip someone's arm off and beat them to death with it.

I'm also probably the only person dumb enough to try a DDT in this game.