i had not and have not played any of the other borderlands games but this was sooo enjoyable to me. i replay it maybe once a year or so because i just keep coming back to it for the characters and story. not only do i love games with multiple characters, but characters with entirely different upbringings, backgrounds, personalities, and stories. its especially fun in this game because sometimes you get to experience the same situation two very different ways; both characters have their own goals in mind and have their own way of approaching those goals. the character designs are fun, the difference in atmosphere between helios and pandora is fun... i dont have the vocabulary to accurately review this so every detail of the game would just be called fun but its justified because its a good and fun game

impulsively bought this in the middle of my jojo hyperfixation because Oooo more content for the thing i like. did not really care for the story but i liked the different interactions depending on which two characters you picked

played for a hot second but i love mysims i give mysims a big kiss on the forehead

one of my first visual novels so i dont remember it well but i do love the art style and lack of colour it really adds to the feel of the game

ive never been super into survival zombie games and the idea of losing EVERYTHING if i died and not being able to respawn was really daunting to me but this game is really fun for me. i can forgive the game for not having a super extensive character creator appearance-wise because i like crafting stories for my character based on the advantages and disadvantages i give them (very fond of the nurse i made who was also a smoker and light sleeper). i havent played a lot because it scares me tbh but ive watched a lot of videos of other people playing it and i rlly enjoy it

i really loved twdg and its kinda sad to see clementines story end because i grew up with the series but im glad it ended on a good note. maybe its because of my age and being able to connect with the characters more because of that but i really enjoyed this season. i wont deny there are kids in other zombie media, but twdg being so focused on clementine and her transition from the everyday world to the new apocalyptic world made it stand out to me. and then theres this season where the main cast is a bunch of kids (of course not literally kids except aj but theyre definitely not 30 yr old adults). its just interesting to see the difference between kids who grew into the apocalypse and kids who grew up in the apocalypse.

for some reason my brain needs a lot of motivation to play persona 3 so im glad i can still see my little guys through this game

one of those games i watched a playthrough of as a kid and when i finally bought it i played one route and havent touched since. you need to be in the right headspace to play hatoful boyfriend and i havent achieved that headspace

watched a full playthrough of this game when it first came out but i havent actually finished it myself. mostly because i realized through this game that i cant really aim with a mouse. and because the hordes of zombies scare me. idk it was a weird game from what i remember (THE GUY IN LITERAL S&M GEAR?). maybe one day ill actually play since im not a literal kid anymore and i have better gaming skills. nick is babygirl tho

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i cant comment on this as a GoT game since i never watched the show but its definitely not my favourite telltale game. only like 2 perspectives were appealing to me, and its more like 1 because ethan was killed off relatively quickly so only gareds story was left for me to enjoy. is this a fault of the game? no, looking at my favourite games and just the games im drawn to, i knew i wouldnt really like it that much. in most cases i dont think its fair for me to judge a game for what it didnt do because it would most certainly be rooted in bias, but ill always lament over the potential of a perspective of someone thrust into such a powerful position and having to deal with the constant self-doubt of "is this the best option? how do i know whats best?". to be fair, the game DOES cover this a little bit, and i think thats why im so turned off by it. perhaps ethans story just wasnt meant for this game, but ill still think about it. this is definitely a game i have a hard time reviewing because its hard to tell whats personal preference and whats something the game just did wrong, especially when the source material is something im not super familiar with. all in all, its an okay game. as someone who likes telltale but doesnt know a lot about got, i was engaged enough to finish the game when i first got it. and i also did replay a little bit recently andddd i had the same sentiments. okay game, probably wont replay.

sorry to rayman but this is just a bizarre game i remember playing as a kid

my brain is too dumb for this game but watching my sister play was fun. octodad can be smth thats so personal

i have my gripes with this game but for the most part i rlly enjoyed it. i really like games where youre an older sibling / parental figure and ur choices indirectly and directly influence the younger person ur with. also as a younger sibling it was just fun to take on the role of an older sibling but also its kinda scary to think about how influential u can be without meaning to. idk cool game i like how we dont play as the character with superpowers it adds more stress and drama in my opinion

played this years ago i dont remember anything about the story. i had to play this on my brothers computer. javier is babygirl to me and thats all that matters

played like once Idkkk i dont think fighting games are for me.