nearly rated this game when i remembered i dont do that. this game is so good i almost gave up on my principle. anyways overall i love this game dearly. nothing is perfect so some fights were annoying and some side content was just lackluster but it didnt take away any enjoyment. off the record i would rate this above 5 stars because any issues i can completely disregard because im obsessed with majima everywhere. its very fun and i put off completing the main story multiple times because i wanted to get 100% completion for majima everywhere in the play log (and i am usually not a completitionist). its especially silly when you play against him in pocket circuit, billiards, darts, etc. i am putting these two grown ass men in a jar and shaking them around.

WHAT THE FUCK THIS GAME IS ON HEREEE?!??! okay, genuinely love this game so much. the chat-based interface is so fun and i wouldve been fine with just that, but the video calls?! SOOOO cool. i loved all the characters, main and side. the love interests are very human and relatable, which makes the good endings so so enjoyable (and the bad endings so SOUL CRUSHING). bloomic has a special place in my heart because i LOVE the free romance visual novels on itchio, and it felt like i hadnt found one i could get really into for a good while. one of the things i really enjoyed was the choices; i feel like with a lot of other visual novels i played, it was pretty obvious which choice would get you to the good end and which would get you to the bad end. in bloomic, it felt like i had to have a real understanding of the characters to know how to handle their situations. ive had this instinct to react a certain way, but its just not realistic to expect the same response to have the same effect on different people. anyway my weekly "thank you" to mike young for voicing xyx God bless

i love this game i played it with some friends and i got to voice calculester


thanks for the evil gay rep (gary)

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i still need to complete the other routes but imagine my shock when i go from "my supposed boyfriend is kinda an asshole" to "my supposed boyfriend locked me up". as uncomfortable as some of the parts are, i rlly enjoyed the game and i love the visuals

i truly love this game so much. its so fun and i love all the characters and its so visually appealing. like most telltale games it was easy to knock out in one day but i find myself coming back to it every once in a while

i hate that i know i like this game but also its just not for me. i think its the real time aspect of it....and its so daunting having a whole island to take care of and explore and decorate...whew

i was so invested in this game i played it for several days straight. some cases i wasnt interested in and some i loved so much, but its a great game in general

i like zipped through a good portion of this game but i have no real interest in finishing it. idk somethings off. i did really enjoy the power they introduced in this game and how it served as a visualizer for how intense emotions can be, and yet some people can hide how theyre feeling so well. i rlly liked the characters and the story... so at least to me its not a bad game, just not one i feel like finishing

my first ever kirby game i love it so much. i would play it in my bedroom i would play it in the living room. if we visited relatives i would bring my ds with me and play it there. i love kirby

my first persona game :D it definitely has its faults and some of the fights annoyed me to no end but thats more so my fault because i got overconfident LOL i love the overall message and the ost is so so good....i love the character design and art style i just love this game

one of those games i played as a child and never finished. my gateway to being a shadow enjoyer

i loveeee this game so much. its so cute to look at... i love baba. im usually not drawn to puzzle games because im not very good at them, but i got interested since ive been watching a streamer play a lot of it. i havent played a lot and the puzzles are already getting harder but its still a fun game and ive learned to not beat myself up for not understanding.

it has.... a lot of bugs and issues but its one of my favourite sims games because its so accessible. i know sims 3 is great because ive played it and i know sims 2 is great because im still hearing about it from many people years later but its hard for me to enjoy a game when i have to get so many patches and fixes for it to play properly on a higher end computer... especially when sims 4 runs fine even with my overabundance of cc and mods. as a game on its own, i will admit the sims is pretty bland and boring because the base game is so bare bones and i dont think its right that you need dlc to make a game fun. idk. i love the game but also mine is heavily modded.