193 Reviews liked by car0n

you will enjoy this game if you treat it as a comedy

first 39 hours: hmmmmmm this is pretty compelling but it's getting kinda old, hope the ending pays off
last hour: what da

Unchikoshi the GOAT (2)

Peak fiction. My favorite visual novel.

Every bit as much of a masterpiece as 999 is and then some.

A truly one-of-a-kind and unique story that could only work through the lens of a first person video game perspective.

Is the cat alive or dead? You will decide its fate.

definitely the best zero escape entry overall. what it lacks in presentation quality it makes up for with captivating storytelling, memorable characters, and cleverly designed puzzles

shut the fuck up quildewivy you like fate/stay night. you would not know what good writing is even if it rammed you at light speed

Why the fuck are they talking about ice in a refrigerator?
I hate this game.

Crazy how this came out two generations ago and action games still haven't figured out the importance of vocals kicking in during the final phase of a boss fight

That's what all you politicians are. Big cock, but no cum.

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife



sigma is hot he is the sigma male

This game changed my life. Play it without being spoilered.

i think that your enjoyment of this game and series as a whole has a lot to do with how much you enjoy restriction. if you like save-scumming to get a perfect run, if you like being given a wealth of interesting tools and limiting yourself to just a handful, if part of what you like about stealth games is not having to constantly engage in digital murder, the Dishonored series is going to be exactly your shit. if you’re the type of person who says “why can’t i just go around killing everybody and still get the good ending,” you’re just never going to click with it. i definitely used to be the latter. but over the last few years, i’ve lost a bit of my taste for video game violence, especially involving guns, and Dishonored is a nice reprieve from constantly having to snuff out lives just to make progress in a game. it makes you feel the weight of its violence by giving you the option to not engage in it. a thing that always gets brought up when talking about this game is that a lot of the tools you have are designed for killing and that the morality system makes you feel like you can’t use all these interesting gadgets you have. a valid criticism in some ways, but i think it ignores the fact that even tho they might not all be items in your inventory, the game gives you just as many options and interesting puzzles when playing non-lethally as it does if you’re killing people. and frankly, from a story perspective, a monarch (or their vassal) going around and wantonly murdering citizens to try to regain a throne is not something you should be rewarded for with a happy ending. i think those criticisms fully miss out on what the game is trying to accomplish. which is a shame, bc i think it accomplishes it extremely well. it just requires you to come to the table with a certain understanding of what you’re in for.

tl;dr i don’t think a lot of people who play games are used to them having the same kind of social contract that we have in real life, and when they’re asked by a game to exercise self-control they bristle against it.