i liked the multiplayer on this but it took away some of that aesthetic i liked from the original

i did not finish this game but i will restart it sometime

this game was nice but there was something up with the framerate that made me like it less than other games in the series i cant put my finger on it

while this game has more to do than the original i think it has a lot of framerate issues, the multiplayer minigames are super fun but i prefer the original overall

nostalgia goggles on as a kid i liked the sprites a lot more in this version but nowadays i think theyre a downgrade from red/blue

i 100% this about once a year its so much fun to revisit

100%ed - I have to be honest this game was not fun, but also not challenging either, runs like molasses and I would chop my arms off if I could turn off the animations

this was my obsession i had a calendar in middleschool when i counted the days til this game came out

this is the animal crossing game ive played the least i will get to it sometime

i got 600 hrs on this game as a kid but i traded it in for platinum i still have my team tho

im so sickeningly nostalgic for this one time i played this game and got a devilgotchi sent in the mail for 80 bucks went hiking and ate caramelized onions and played this game all on the same day

idk if i finished this or not but i was obsessed with this game in middleschool

the multiplayer on this was so funny i dont remember much about the main game tho