this was my first smt game nd i think its weird how everyone hated it for a long time but now its great for everybody

im so sickeningly nostalgic for this one time i played this game and got a devilgotchi sent in the mail for 80 bucks went hiking and ate caramelized onions and played this game all on the same day

almost at 100% completion thank god i hate the camera angles

kind of playing this right no kind of not

100% completed all trophies ill maintain that this game feels very sluggish and i dont think ill revisit it again

i got 600 hrs on this game as a kid but i traded it in for platinum i still have my team tho

this was my obsession i had a calendar in middleschool when i counted the days til this game came out

people didnt like this game but i really didnt think it was bad

i came really close to finishing this game but didnt i will restart it sometime

this game gets really hard once you get to that volcano crap

i beat this game but i will come back to 100% it soon

ive replayed this game so so much and i still have my cartridge from when i was 5 with weird pictures and captions on there :)

someone sold a copy of this to me at a con and said it was genuine but it was a badly implemented english translation rom that only garbled the text into mostly numbers and !'s so its unplayable >:(