People say that it's worth working through the awful gunplay to get to the story neglecting the fact that it has some all time boring writing and delivery. I played this shit for like 15 hours in desperate search for a lick of appeal and came up hopelessly empty.


Essentially a perfect video game

one of the most immediately charming video games I've ever played. i'm brute force bringing this back and re-mainstreaming it no matter what it takes. holy shit.

Sorry haters, the story owns actually

Gave up on the last level but if we got a modern 2D Mario game this weird and creative I think that I would violently throw up with joy

My first and, as of now, only Final Fantasy game.
If the party didn't go to space and deal with aliens, if this was a simple, grounded story about a man's quest for redemption, I would like it many times better.
Cecil's quest for redemption is so good that I have to say that "I like this game", but most everything about the space story up until the very ending is bad.
I am, honestly, happy I played this, but I spent about half of it wanting it to be over.
ATB sucks so much ass.

this is me on my walk to class it's so dangerous for a little kitten like me in the big wide world

over the course of a bit over a year and a half the worst game I have ever beaten has been completed. so excited for reverse rebirth 🔥🔥🔥🔥

I just wanna chill here forever

I love this game about as much as my wrists hate me for playing it.

he could totally beat mario in a fight

My friends have me back into playing Overwatch in the twenty and twenty-second year of our lord after I had long since sworn it off with 80 hours of play time back in 2017. The worst part by far is that I'm genuinely having a pretty good time with it.