Even with the additions made with DLC, it just feels too bare bones. Some of the customization options like for stadiums really should have been added for single-player. And there really just aren't enough characters or armor differences.

It was an interesting concept for sure. It became incredibly repetitive and there stopped really being a variety at a certain point. There were maybe two missions that actually got difficult in the story. I found it really cool that I could download my hometown’s map and play on it.

I will say that I am still salty about the time all but one squad car was at a shootout, and that car just sat there waiting for a transport that wasn’t coming because it was already full.

So many things. Too many things, honestly. I've tried getting a long play in multiple times and can just never follow through. A personal flaw that ruins my enjoyment of the game comes from that I always want to play with the real world mods that are not configured properly for the game and the Cornellverse database just really doesn't interest me.

The game is just basic enough to make it really easy to plow through the months and years, but it lacks in depth that the TEW games added. If you want a simple booking game where anyone can get over it is the way to go though.

It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!

You get a Mirror Force and you get a Mirror Force! Everybody has a freaking Mirror Force!

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Overall this is more of the same for Scarlet/Violet, with a bit more tedium.

100 additional Pokémon was nice but it really felt like at times you were just running into the same Pokémon over and over. The diversity through Kitakami somehow felt lacking. There are some nooks and crannies where specific lines are hidden away at that make you need to explore, but once I already had nearly 50% of the additions within 30 minutes it made the DLC feel more like a slog.

Story and characters; Briar was unremarkable though she does look pretty blatantly evil (dem eyes) and I wish the Paldean trainers you went with to Kitakami were fleshed out too. I know the focus was the Blueberry kids but at least put some effort in for the other three so they aren’t just pure others. Carmine and Kieran were a mixed bag for me. I really like Carmine’s design, less so Kieran’s. Them as characters were okay, very anime trope tsundere and afraid weakling that grows into a competent trainer. Looking forward to Kieran wanting revenge or something (lol). Ogrepon and the Three Loyals had a cool story. Also Perrin was probably my favorite out of all. She a baddie and having a photographing story in the main game was different. My biggest gripe with the story was that going back and forth through the same areas of Kitakami over and over sucked. There were a dozen other places you could also go that would have made it feel less repetitive tracking back to the same 4 locations constantly.

And of course there is the performance. It handles about as shittily as the proper game, potentially worse to be honest. I never had issues with the base game freezing but I experience it constantly while playing the DLC.

A run of the mill tile matching game with Marvel slapped on it. The gameplay is plenty fun, however, you absolutely get punished if you are not willing to pay.

I love these games way too much to be frank. It's basically the most anime game of all time with its cringey dialogue and character interactions. Some parts of the game can just be frustratingly hard, but there is always some way to overcome with the different medaparts available. I love the battles and once you start getting more tinpets, your ability to use different strategies more. Hell, sometimes just running out the clock is the most effective strategy in this game. While that sounds like a slog, it's still tense and fun. Plus there is the potential loss of a medapart on the table for losses, which is a fun way to force you into improvising.

9/10, this and Rokusho version are my comfort games, I will be playing this again for some reason in a couple years. More of this series needs to be translated and released outside Japan.

I also want to note the game time. It would have taken me about 34:18 to beat the game, however, I was able to speed sections up which brought time down to 16:38. It makes the encounters less cumbersome, because the encounter rate is a little high. I highly recommend if you emulate.

The premise of the game is so much better than the execution. I was expecting something completely different when this game was maybe at best a lackluster visual novel. The actual artwork of characters and especially the scenes between "levels" was good. The music was also good. The actual art of the game during gameplay, not so good but it could have been forgiven for this being more than just walking back and forth with a few point-and-click actions. Also I have to dock points for actually having a character say "lol" in what definitely wasn't an ironic "this character is so zany" type of way.

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I finished my first playthrough after about 7 hours and 54 minutes, I may have powered through some writing. I enjoy that the game actually feels like it has a lot of different options and choices you can make that affect how the game goes. The card gameplay is pretty simple, but enjoyable. I wish there was a way to ditch useless cards (really don't need a 0 Crawling card near the end of the game) outside of resting, but I suppose that does give the game some difficulty. I know it was at least making things more difficult on me because I wasn't getting rid of small point cards until way later.

The music is nice and atmospheric and the artwork and graphics are nice. The world does absolutely come across as being very foreign with some absolute abominations straight from H.P. Lovecraft. My biggest ask for an improvement on the art/graphics would be for characters to have more than the singular static pose when you talk to them. Or maybe I just talked to Tangent too much and I didn't notice them changing?

Speaking of, character-wise I enjoyed quite a few of them. Somehow I ended up trying to make Tangent my best friend and eventual romance right at the start because she looked the coolest and had dope as hell hair. Then she shaved it and somehow became even colder than before, and I died inside. Thankfully before the end of the game she grew out a dope pixie cut and started interacting, acting like a human more. I also straight off the bat enjoyed Anemone, Cal, Rex, and Nomi-Nomi. I do wish there were more interactions with some of the adult colonists, being able to build friendships with them too. Granted I suppose your decisions are what create your relationships. I just would have enjoyed hanging with Utopia more tbh.

Anyways, it was a solid game. I'm interested to see how things can pan out different in a second playthrough. Considering I put almost nothing into the yellow skills, I think I may go that route this next time.

I can see what can make this game fun, but god damn is it tedious and unforgiving. I really should have played Zero Mission. I am glad I played this on the Switch so I could rewind/save state otherwise there is no way I was going to ever beat this.

This ended up being a lot more entertaining and charming than I thought it was going to be. I had never really been a fan of the art I saw for Freya, but the style grew on me. I enjoyed the couple of stories going on as well.

It's fun but there really isn't a ton to do to be honest.

The grid kept messing up my beautiful straight lines, so I snorted a line of addy to make me feel like I had some semblance of control in my life.

Fun hidden object game. The cats are fun, the music is good, and the hidden cats can be a little difficult to find, hence the hidden. Maybe a little too much cat butthole for my taste though. x