misunderstood due to skill issues


whether it be due unconventional controls, confusingly explained mechanics, or the players' own incompetence - this is a selection of titles that alienated a solid chunk of people due to their own misunderstandings despite actually being pretty good

if you see a game here that you gave up on for one reason or another, give it another shot!

Chaos Legion
Chaos Legion
often gets a bad rap for being assumed to be a devil may cry knockoff and most people not caring to understand what it actually is (a strategy game with an action lead)

learn the difference between organic/metallic enemies and how to utilize the legion lock-on
stop mashing the triggers

stop trying to sprayfire weapons while moving

you can disable automatic lock on

get good
Resonance of Fate
Resonance of Fate
the tutorial is right next to the starting area. it's a little daunting but it's very important and only takes about 15 minutes to fully digest

please do the tutorial
Bionic Commando
Bionic Commando
i do not in any way see how this game is janky. just learn the swing mechanic
Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 FES
my brother in christ you made the decision to let your party members act freely
The Last Guardian
The Last Guardian
i really love how trico actively fucks with you if you mistreat him

also this applies to all team ico games in one way or another. sotc has controversial controls for no justified reason, and ico's in a similar boat

intentionally cumbersome movement isn't jank
The Last Remnant
The Last Remnant
ai tactics-based combat at its most hostile, but it's pretty cool once you actually get it!

also it doesn't help that the 360 version is 10x more brutal than the rereleases
oh, you bri-ish?

enemies are not tanky or frustrating if you know what you're doing. grabbing literally instakills monsters
i guarantee 90% of the people who don't like this game just straight up do not understand the tate system

in brief it works like this:

kill someone and your sword gets stronger. continue slicing through enemies quickly and you'll be able to finish everything onscreen with an instakill. this applies to bosses too

if that's not the sickest ninja shit then idk what is
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden Black
this game would be made infinitely worse with a lock-on button
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Surgeon Simulator 2013
the controls are deliberately quirky but it's completely playable once you get the hang of it

same applies to i am bread
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
if only i had some kind of "look ahead" button to prevent these offscreen deaths
Altered Beast
Altered Beast
stop trying to move the camera with the right stick. you have a perfectly good l1 button that centers it for you

also pay attention to shadows on aerial enemies and don't bother killing enemies that aren't glowing gatekeepers
Nights Into Dreams...
Nights Into Dreams...
please read the manual
Dead Rising
Dead Rising
people who complain about the time limits despite the game literally continuing as a sandbox if you miss story events are do-not-interact tier

the same applies to anyone who thinks the controls are bad - moving and aiming is excessive when your enemies already trudge slower than molasses by default
Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story
there's a good amount of menuing but it's pretty vastly overstated. initially daunting but plenty rewarding beyond the learning curve
Armored Core
Armored Core
"i can't believe this tank controls like a tank"
Armored Core V
Armored Core V
not the hecking ONE (1) additional damage type!!! or the tactical shooter elements!! as if they weren't in oldgen at all!!!
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
yeah the stage design can be haphazard in places but who gives a shit when it's this fun to play? the weapons are great and nightmare effects are cool stage modifiers
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6

bullets are to stun. covering/diving is for regaining stamina

Target Earth
Target Earth
take your time and don't play it like metal slug

also press start on the options screen whenever you have two lives left in order to get more continues
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
punching yourself is not an effective strategy. projared lied to you
Killzone 2
Killzone 2
there is absolutely nothing wrong with how this game controls
it's unfortunate that avgn misled a lot of people into believing this game was bullshit when it is in fact totally fair and really good
just dodge

it doesn't matter that there's 5 helicopters after you when you're capable of knocking them out of the sky while moving
Super Pac-Man
Super Pac-Man
it's two new mechanics it's not that complicated
Left Alive
Left Alive
harshly slammed for being a stealth game without stealth mechanics. it's not. it's a game where you run away from enemy fire like a coward and a damn good one at that
Vampire Rain: Altered Species
Vampire Rain: Altered Species
somehow i get the impression that i'm not supposed to be trying to shoot the vampires 99% of the time
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
the tank controls perfectly complement the more grounded and realistic take on platforming. it isn't mario (it's better)
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
there's no point in explaining because these mfs will never learn

use the spindash
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2
fake hide n seek fans when a real radar comes thru

on a more serious note: this game is kinda designed for you to suck at it initially. it's not really a matter of control or camera problems. it's just different. this is a very floaty, fast-paced platformer which requires a different mindset than most others. and it's very gratifying to figure that out

yes - this applies to the mech stages too


1 year ago

The Wonderful 101 filters a lot of people with his camera and weapon switching mechanic

1 year ago

Mega man zero 2 because of Phoenix Magnion and the general stage design being huge filters

1 year ago

Xenoblade Chronicles and FF8

FF8 because drawing every individual spell from an enemy is one of the most inefficient way to grow your character. Spoony lied to you.

Xenoblade Chronicles because the early game promotes the idea that break > topple is the fundamental battle mechanic when in reality it's merely one of many tool used to stun enemies and keep their powerful attacks at bay.

1 year ago

@ulyssesgouge hard no to ff8 because that game is notoriously, extremely trivial to break in half whether you're drawing magic or using triple triad winnings as junction fodder. tenfold if you're running from enemy encounters and preventing level gains

what i played of xbc was pretty mindless in any context unless i dropped my level in the def edition. i'd hesitate to place that anywhere as well

1 year ago

Can't argue with that. I'll say that the combat in the games are misunderstood but I definitely can't say that games are unbeatable without properly knowing the mechanics.
He played def edition :hedgewtf:

1 year ago

on killzone 2, absolutely agree and i would add that this is one of the only shooters which can be effectively played (even enhanced) without the use of a reticle. pretty metal.

1 year ago

Dandara might count because of the unconventional controls. I've seen a few people say it's bad because of the controls, even a friend I showed the game to.

1 year ago

@deltawdunn havent played myself but that's a convincing sales pitch to give it a go sometime. will keep in mind

1 year ago

@DeltaWDunn Dandara kicks ass. Feels satisfying once you get the rhythym of combat and movement down

1 year ago

@Snigglegros Indeed. Definitely one of the better Castleroids I've played, and super underrated.

7 months ago

Never understood why x6 is the one that gets all the hate. As though most other way more popular megaman games aren't full of ridiculous trial and error design while also being significantly more punishing on death.

7 months ago

@poefred i think above all else it's the nightmare effects and unforgiving stage design. x6 is a pretty tough game and it's also decently obtuse for what it is. i've come to realize over time that people also generally like to blame the game for their own failures

there's some pretty stupid shit in the game - the donuts are infamous and it's not possible to beat the entire game as base x due to some impossible jumps, but like, i don't care and i feel like base x is a novelty more so than an actual character you should consider playing the whole game as

iunno. it has some misguided design choices but it's still miles more fun to me than x4, which people love to suck off in spite of its totally cookie cutter design

7 months ago

I just always thought it was wild how I was thoroughly frustrated by X1,2 and 3. 5 was tedious going for 100%. But 6 is the only one I didn't have ANY trouble with and was the only one I played with no guide. I became one of those people who play the game with unarmored X for fun. Never understood Mega Man fans, feels like they draw the line in the sand of what's a bad game completely arbitrarily. Like every single time I find myself enjoying a MM game I go online to see it's one of the ones that gets bad to mid at best reception. X4 being like, the one exception to that but I don't really remember anything about it beyond it having the best presentation.

Thing with X6 is that even once you get good at it, it doesn't become boring, its level design is actively engaging still. Whereas in stuff like x1 once I got good it just went from frustrating to mind numbingly boring. I'll take fighting 5 doughnuts in different scenarios over anything in the rest of the series, it's satisfying to line up just right and kill them instantly.

7 months ago

@poefred i'll give x6's level design this over anything else: it's insanely speedrun-friendly. i also don't really mind the donuts too much because zero can turn them into dust in a matter of seconds. i also dig stages like infinite mijinion where your forward progress gets halted often enough, but you're able to destroy the walls in an instant if you know what to do

similarly, i found the nightmare effects pretty clever. one that pissed a friend of mine off especially hard was the blizzard wolfang stage with those entities that follow you around. it's cool being able to just negate the entire effect by keeping a shield behind you. but i think because it's just a frustrating premise, most people aren't really interested in giving it a chance

7 months ago

if there's one thing that kills x5 for me, it's how much autoscrolling is in that game
@poefred can I ask what about X1 frustrated you cuz i thought it was pretty easy for the most part (also the best one ofc)

7 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 My first playthrough I found all the levels extremely easy but was tired of having to replay them because I was bodied by a boss jumping all over the place. I'm not usually one to complain about lives being archaic, I think they're actually a good thing in many cases. But the way they're done in MM specifically is a pain imo. That and a few movement related things I didn't know about at the time made the vertical climb in one of the final levels feel near impossible.

But I also don't like to hold grudges on stuff like that, playing it now I find the whole game a bit too easy. My take a couple years ago was that it was just kinda dull once the bosses stop being hard to you. But that was after revisiting it after playing through all 8 X games back to back. Could be burnout talking there. Now that it's been a while I really should give it another go or even try some challenge runs.

Yeah you should, I only played up to X5 but it was far and away the best imo

3 months ago

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2 months ago

How come is the OG System Shock not here? It's like the ultimate filterer with many people that complain about the controls having "aged poorly" when said "airplane" controls are perfectly usable, if difficult to grapple with at first.

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