64 Reviews liked by chifulsi

Whoa a AvP beat um up where I can play as the Predator and beat and blast the shit out of aliens with a decent combo system. I still have nightmares of AvP SNES but this one is a blessing. Always looked for it arcades but only caught it a couple of times. Cmon Capcom Rerelease this shit. Find a way.

Now after playing Alein vs Predator fully through an arcade machine, my appreciating for the title is just that much more. It does a decent job of respecting the IP while at the same time delivering an above average arcade beat um up. Attacks feel good when landing and you have quite the amount of moves at your disposal. It sometimes feels like you can combo enemies for day once you understand what your character can do. Adding street fighter style special moves also helps keep the gameplay fresh and rewarding a bit more than your typical button mashing brawler. AvP also has more enemy variety than I would have initially thoguht. More than just the regular enemy. Lots of different shapes and color vareties are on display. While being an arcade game the game doesn't feel as cheap or quater munchery as some of it's peers which contributes to how much fun it is to play. One of the better arcade beat um ups released in the 90's.

Esta bien, es buen remake y la historia es consistente pero joder, el 90% de submisiones son de gente intentando scammear a Kiryu y pelearse con Majima me aburre mucho

Os recuerdo✋🏻🧐que ya se ha estrenado en los cines🎞️de nuestro país🇪🇸la comedia🤣Operación Camarón🦐Una producción de Telecinco Cinema 📺5️⃣🎥 que cuenta con la colaboración🤝de Mediaset España 🇪🇸 en su apoyo de la cultura europea🇪🇺

disappointing as fuck. buggy, braindead easy, and looks like shit. an average game riding on the coattails of sotn

Yeah idk, the writing felt really off. It's so weird that Shepard was quipping in this DLC, but he doesn't say much in the base game...

absolutely loved ending e. would have been much sweeter if I didn't have to drag myself through the game 5 times to get to it though.

The ideal video game remake - an original designer returns and meaningfully expands on and modernizes his game with its original spirit totally intact.

This might be the best horror game in the last 20 years.

dont care what anyone says, this is better than kiwami 2 in every possible way

RE4 is a game designer’s wet dream. If you really break it down, all Leon can do is point and shoot; and that simplicity is part of how it immediately gets you into this mode of consciously analyzing situations and being intentional about everything you do. Corralling enemies into a single spot and headshot-ing one of them to set the whole group up for a juicy roundhouse kick seems so basic, but having to actively look for ways to achieve that scenario never stops being engaging.

All the different weapons, the upgrade system, enemy types, random loot drops: they add to the basic formula in a way that’s so elegant and immediate that it makes every modern action RPG looter shooter whatever the fuck hybrid look like a dry, convoluted Excel spreadsheet by comparison. It’s so no-nonsense that I honestly struggle to come up with more ways to explain why it’s so good that aren't insanely obvious. RE4 is endlessly polished and pure and exciting and one of the most perfect games of all time.

it's the best Uncharted, but it's still Uncharted.

So good it's unfair to everything else -- almost unsportsmanlike. A thunderous windmill dunk of a game.

What if shooter but was an incursion to hell.

The most present and conscious camera I've seen. No climax, no build-up, no conclusion, no nothing. Just a disgusting reality permeating the experience.

Also, WTF is up with the sound design and soundtrack?????

The best wallpaper generator for your gamer msi PCGAMER™ SET-UP
Also i have a crush on Kanna Hashimoto.

Every time I think about Yakuza, I see a cinematic angle of Kiryu strutting down the dark, neon-lit streets of Kamurocho in the pouring rain, accompanied by a low-key bassline. It's a striking image that both comforts and inspires me, one that makes up for just about every issue I have with this game's janky combat, insufferable load times, and hilariously ill-advised dub. As an atmospheric piece, Yakuza 1 is truly incredible, and none of the post-PS2 games even come close to its neo-noir feel.