Level design feels like kaizo Doom. Second half of the game feels like the devs are actively fucking with you. Oddly compelling.

Every game in this bundle is a banger. Even Renegade.

The best 7/10 you will ever play.

Was good when I played it over a decade ago but from what I hear it's taken a turn for the worse since.

Really enjoyable gameplay with cool weapons and interesting lore (some of it, anyways). Unfortunately it's completely bloated to shit with tedium, balance issues and a gameplay loop that gets old really fast. I played the hell out of it for like a month straight and then never touched it again.


There's a lot of reasons to rag on it but it has the best version of Lizardman.

Very pretty but otherwise terribly boring.

The best answer the Vita has to Monster Hunter. It's garbage. It's great!

I remember really enjoying this game but I went back to play it recently and it was honestly kind of awful.

I like the spirit but the combat is dogshit, and there's nothing else of interest going on. Tried to borrow gameplay elements from the Souls series and failed to improve on them.

Had no business being as good as it was.

Honestly a bit of a clusterfuck. Boasts the largest monster roster in the series (I think, I haven't counted), adds new gimmicks for every weapon, and has playable cats! Worth checking out if you've already played some of the other games in the series. Soloing G Rank made me question my life.

The biggest departure from the classic formula, for all the good and bad that entails. New monsters are cool, new areas are gorgeous (if a bit tricky to navigate), and the quality of life additions are always welcome. Unfortunately the game is held back by unbearable padding in the form of unskippable cutscenes, "quests" that are mostly about slowly walking from point A to point B, and a story that loves to get in the way without actually being interesting. If you're new to the series, just go play Rise instead.

Best MonHun game since 3U. The new mechanics are an absolute blast to play with, the monsters are (mostly) stellar, and the game benefits greatly from all of the quality of life additions the series has been accumulating over the years.