i play on and off but its easily the mmorpg that's drawn me in the most! extremely immersive.

this game is good, but not quite as good as the original from what i played! has the fun easter egg of much of the cast being voiced by the players of critical role. i'll come back to it eventually!

still sad that edér wasn't among the characters given a romance despite him being one of the two main reasons everyone asked for romance in the sequel, but it's fine LOL

the sheer amount of time that i've put into this game would be mortifying if not for the fact that i've been in some form of quarantine since march.

massive timewaster. i play it for like DAYS in bursts like once a year LOL

frustrating and addictive although i probably wont pick it up again.

cute and fun! some routes are stronger than others but that's fine.

it's fine. not a standout for telltale and it being linked to the main story of GOT took away from some of the stakes and made it feel weird as someone fairly familiar with the canonical series + books. loved asher, though.

let's just say the gameplay didn't age well LOL. that said, it's still incredibly charming.

gets a little repetitive after a while, but i genuinely think its SUCH an underrated little gem and all the endings and characters are charming. give it a try!

this game is not good. however i did have fun playing it with friends back in the day. like most things related to roosterteeth, it didn't age well and hindsight is 20/20.

played while it was still mid-way through beta, but genuinely very fun! probably works best as a multiplayer, since that's when i enjoyed it the most. i should revist it now that it's a bit further along.

my views on this section of the final fantasy franchise don't line up with everyone else and i know that, but oh well LOL. worth trying, even if you decide it's not for you.

pretty amateur and you can tell, but cute nonetheless!

probably would benefit from having played the original games? but who's to say lol.