really gorgeous game! as someone who studies astrology, this game does a really good job of incorporating it. main character is VERY unlikable though, but maybe that's just because of the choices i picked?

i believe it's getting revamped, but even as it is it's a really good otome/visual novel! notable for being very lgbt friendly, having some polyamorous options, and just having sexy supernatural creatures.

unironically the best pokemon game. made me cry as a kid.

not as good as the original imo, but really good! i loved the characters just like the first one. however, i have played this game since it released. i have NEVER beaten primal dialga. it's a brutal boss and i'm very bad LOL

the fact that this is so underrated in the pokemon fanbase is a crime.

i got into it later than others, but still. relaxing, charming game :) shelved due to new horizons.

let's be real. this was not a good game. it was barely a game at all. we still played the absolute shit out of it. that's okay.

i used to rent this from BLOCKBUSTER. anyways it was good but that explains the status LOL

still my favorite to this day tbh

this is a weak sims game and has a lot of problems because of EA. that said............. i don't want to talk about how many hours i've logged into this.


very good and good for wasting time, however, I Suck? need to check it out again after some updates! soundtrack bangs as always

by far my favorite supergiant game and the one that made me fall in love with them, their games, and their music. teared up in the final leg of it and full-on bawled through the ending. amazing and challenging.


cried my eyes out despite getting what's generally considered one of the better outcomes of the game. would recommend anyone to play it!! the soundtrack bangs and the ending song is half the reason i sobbed. #lesbians4hedwyn

probably my least favorite of the supergiant games, but still very much worth it! soundtrack is great as usual and particularly haunting this time around.

no it's not the best game ever. yes it has many flaws. yes you can tell they rushed development. yes, that totally sucks. is it the trashfire game people make it out to be? absolutely not, at least for me. the game is probably the one that i've logged the least time in out of the series, but i'd honestly say that despite that, it's still my second favorite in the series and i enjoy it a lot! the main cast are all some shade of asshole but it's done in a way that makes them likable and relatable. it also has one of the most emotional sequences in the series for me.