a solid game to the series! my favorite of the pre-awakening fire emblems. hoping for an echoes remake, especially if they combine it with binding blade for a two generation game. that would appeal to the people who like optimizing builds for children without... well. everything about how janky fates did children in an attempt to copy awakening. less like fates and awakening and more like genealogy, you know?

definitely not as strong as pillars of eternity, but undeniably very fun and charming! it's HEAVILY focused on gray morality and you have to work very hard to act in a truly good way, and even then you're going to have to make some morally gray choices and not everyone will be happy.


very good and good for wasting time, however, I Suck? need to check it out again after some updates! soundtrack bangs as always

absolutely it has its flaws but as a longtime fan of the series i think it did a good job breathing life into the series after fates, which was generally acknowledged to be a bit of a disaster. i like the vast majority of the cast and really like the supports! the class system is also interesting this time, especially with them adding in the dlc classes.

part of me wishes there was another actual route where you can unite the lords, but given how fates did that... um. maybe it's for the best. in any case, it keeps the emotional aspect knowing you're going to end up killing some of your former friends. i also have a major gripe with how edelgard's route was pushed HEAVILY in promotional material but they completely messed up her route and the emotional weight of it by making it WAY shorter than the others. it makes the black eagles story ring very hallow and feel incredibly unsatisfying, which sucks because i do like the characters and how heavily gray the morality of the route + edelgard is (and i wish there were more characters being conflicted over what was happening).

i do like all of the routes, however, despite my major gripes with BE! dimitri's berserk scene at the reveal in his route literally gave me chills, which a fire emblem game hasnt managed to do before.

all together very good and fun! might not be for everyone but it definitely was for me!

im a baby and this game was scary to me but also very cool and fun. great soundtrack

SUPER fun and clever. you can play it by yourself to clear endings and enjoy yourself, but it's at its strongest when you're playing with friends, especially over voice call!


cried my eyes out despite getting what's generally considered one of the better outcomes of the game. would recommend anyone to play it!! the soundtrack bangs and the ending song is half the reason i sobbed. #lesbians4hedwyn

imo this is still the best game in the trilogy! it's the one that made me really fall in love with it being put off by how janky the controls and gameplay were in me1. garrus and tail <3

doesn't hit quite as well as me2, but still a blast to play! unfortunately i do dock some points for how bad the ending is imo, but that's not exactly an unpopular opinion. if you play, definitely invest in buying the citadel dlc because it's THAT good and works beautifully as a "before the last fight" kind of interlude + download the MEHEM happy ending mod!

no it's not the best game ever. yes it has many flaws. yes you can tell they rushed development. yes, that totally sucks. is it the trashfire game people make it out to be? absolutely not, at least for me. the game is probably the one that i've logged the least time in out of the series, but i'd honestly say that despite that, it's still my second favorite in the series and i enjoy it a lot! the main cast are all some shade of asshole but it's done in a way that makes them likable and relatable. it also has one of the most emotional sequences in the series for me.

one of the best rpgs out there right now. if you like isometric rpgs where your choices matter and the world feels fleshed out, this is a must. edér <3

probably my least favorite of the supergiant games, but still very much worth it! soundtrack is great as usual and particularly haunting this time around.

terraria but space. never quite got the hang of it but wanna go back eventually!

i put a lot of time into it LOL. not as fun playing alone, but with friends its really enjoyable!

super sexy we love everything about this. haven't finished because i tend to play in chunks because of how MASSIVE this game is, but EXTREMELY enjoyable!!