bro you can fucking sword fight

his fucking shades slide in and out

game is incredibly smug and up its own ass. weapons arent really all that fun and all feel pretty samey, upgrades are few and far between and most of them dont make any noticeable differences. rooms and floors are incredibly long and tedious.

i just fucking hate how ridiculously unfunny and smug it is. makes me want to strangle every NPC in the game. fuck off

i do not like visual novels. i do not like games attempting to make fun of other games even more.

i just dont care

i think the biggest problem with this game is its lack of direction does not work in its favor. im just bored. im wandering around aimlessly and i guess im learning stuff but none of it feels helpful or useful? especially since everything is on a time limit which just stresses me out and makes me not want to explore.

the biggest sin is that it just is extremely boring and uninteresting. i like relaxing games. this is not fun to me.

also the controls fucking suck

my ai counterparts run in and scream "target!" and then proceed to shoot each other in the face just like a real swat team

his shades still fuckin slide in n out

this game makes me so fucking angry

for once, 343 managed to nail a gameplay loop. is it halo? no, it isnt. but it's fun. the gadgets are fun, the weapons are fun, enemies are cool and fun to engage and shoot at, and the multiplayer is obviously fun as a result of this. what i cant ignore is how they managed TO FUCK UP EVERY SINGLE OTHER FUCKING THING

interesting levels and world? nah, time for generic triple AAA OPEN WORLD SHIT! UBISOFT! MAP MARKERS! NO REASON TO EXPLORE THE WORLD! everything looks the exact fucking same. nothing is interesting, none of the upgrades are worth exploring for or getting, IT ADDS NOTHING TO THE GAME. what the FUCK is the point of these stupid ass open world games? stop making good, linear games into fucking open worlds!!! IT ADDS NOTHING!! YOU ARE BAD AT IT!!!

what is this story? why does the game not actually pick up from halo 5? it just starts you smack in the middle of some new shit, and everything is !!! horribly written !!! plot convenience! two annoying ass companions who boss you around and bring the game to a screeching halt! oh yeah you do get linear levels for the story, except every area looks the fucking same! nothing actually interesting or unique that could be even close to the interesting locales seen in previous games! WOO! FUN

we also get shit-ass marvel quips now. chief goes from this stoic guy with a sense of humor, with a soft spot for cortana, to this weird awkward superhero character. he doesnt talk to people like this. why is he acting like this. i cant stand him in this game. he does shit that makes zero sense for his character and attitude. he's empathetic and caring, to a fault, he puts himself in danger many, many times to save a fucking AI. where are these qualities? who is this character??

-ost is extremely forgettable. you will like the main halo theme. enjoy background noise for the remainder of the game.
-escharum is quite possibly the worst halo villain ive ever seen. he is extremely not intimidating. i was fucking laughing during all of his angry rants. you really think im going to be scared of an oversized monkey who is yelling at me... THROUGH HOLOGRAMS?

i think i have to realize new, triple A games are just not for me anymore. it's this same bland copy pasted bullshit every single year. every franchise must be open world. every franchise must have a battle pass. we must copy everyone else. we must have MCU quips and writing. we must make our game a service, not an experience.

i stopped right before the last level. i am so bored and angry at this game i cannot bring myself to finish it. there is basically zero plot development all the way until the end where suddenly every plotthread must be opened and then tied up at once. it's so stupid. it's so fucking stupid.

fuck you 343 and fuck you microsoft for the corporate greed that keeps bleeding this shriveled corpse of an IP. god i wish this franchise had ended 14 years ago.

oh jesus fuck yeah the gameplay is better but how did the writing GET EVEN WORSE


please play a better rhythm game

i wish redditors did not become game devs

what if we combined turn based combat and action combat and made neither of them good