My Thumb is Not an Arm

Games that require controller players to push a mouse cursor around the screen with the thumbstick, with no D-pad bindings or other accessibility options.

Map screens or similar imagemap-type content get a pass as long as the rest of the game is effectively paused while the player is "mousing."

Absolutely unforgivable UI. I think it's actually the worst I've ever seen.
Also commits the cardinal sin of having teeny tiny text with no font size options.
Compared to everything that made it into this game, it would have been so simple to give us D-pad mappings for the menus.
Clan Creator
This one barely qualifies just because the map screen doesn't pause the game.
The map gets a pass, but why do the talent and power selection screens use mouse controls? It would be so trivial to give them d-pad bindings


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