no no no, the director didn't watch twin peaks .. they watched twin speak, like zach to york!

but okay that was a perfect game. like. made for me. so many twists & turns, a great story with no questions left at the end. absolutely amazing.

finally gave up trying to fix the pc port for over a year.. got it on switch & it still crashed. but, if you save a lot it's not too bad. just warning that every port is ass. & the controls are really bad.. i used the auto aim & shot everyone's butt until the final episodes .. no sensitivity changing in settings :(

pc port is way too buggy to play. after attempting to fix it for many hours over the course of a year & a half.. i give up. looking forward to playing origins on the switch, hopefully that helps.

so fun so cute. love it so much. i maxed out the demo & now i'm gonna max out the full game.

so stupid & glitchy but very silly.
ending song is a banger but it full crashed my pc after exiting..

was gifted to stream as a joke for alien day but it actually was really good LMAO. will come back to it, but with a controller. alien is nauseating with mouse controls.

this .. is a game. it's if silent hill downpour, homecoming, all the worst parts of resident evil og 1, 4, 5, 6 was produced by bethesda; clunk, bugs & glitches included.

i'm about halfway through the chapters, so i'll start with things i like:
- some boss designs
- some environments look really pretty & nice art direction
- story sounds interesting though i think i can probably guess what's gonna happen.
- can tell there's a lot of ideas.. don't know if they're executed correctly.
- unintentionally hilarious

now here's the things i don't like:
- limited stamina where if you don't pay attention, the dude will just freeze in place & pant.
- can't run if you're under a certain amount of health. can barely walk.
- hasn't been 'scary.' very of its time where the jumpscares are very predictable.
- very, very, very limited ammo, & you're limited to holding 8 shotgun bullets without upgrades.... teaches you you can sneak attack .. but about ~4 chapters in none of the enemies are able to be knifed
- seems like they want you to use the bow but why the fuck does the bow literally block your entire view while trying to aim.
- SO many insta-kills. no matter what health you are.
- horrible controls & non-intuitive boss fights. the dog made me want to rip my hair out. i still don't know what i was supposed to do.. was i supposed to hide in the grass because there was collision in the bushes.. was i supposed to stand in the middle & dodge it? because the dog would turn in circles & drift like a race car until it hit me.
- can't shoot while crouched
- tries to be an action-horror game but the combat sucks. cutscenes have you doing wild leon-kennedy-like moves but you can't roundhouse kick anyways
- don't really like games/media where they have 'mentally ill' or 'insane' characters almost infantilized
- i'm playing as a cop.

will update when i finish it ... someday ....

pretty neat! took me about 3 hours to finally survive a game on medium difficulty. the chance cards are awesome but i do wish if it was a scenario you've already seen there was less text. i found myself spamming through the pages so fast.

hilarious honestly. quick little scenarios but after doing 3 in a row my arm hurt.. they literally are making you do a full ass slap. the motion controls are not fuckin' around.

good & great brain off game. that's about it.

if you're a streamer, the crowd control is hilarious to run!

not my kinda game. the world is so empty .. i had so many bugs .. the main story didn't interest me but the side quests were a lot of walking .. everything was a glorified fetch quest .. i really think like there's only one bethesda game per person & fallout is not mine. maybe if i had a horse.

something lgbt+ happened to me..

okay.. is hating on this game like a joke? like.. really?
if nights into dreams came out today would people hate it?
does everyone hate whimsy & magical games?

i don't really like platforming games but this was actually really fun & cute! it was soo comfy & charming! it felt like dreams but you're walking instead of looping in the air. the costumes were super fun to swap to & learn how to use them in levels! i haven't finished it but i just played 9 hours & got to the 9th level which was hard but fun!

i honestly watched so many videos when this game came out by huge youtubers shitting on it, i even got a recommended video from 3 weeks ago about it sucking. people comparing it to mario odyssey even though there's really nothing similar except they're platformers..

i will update my review when i finish it but i really enjoyed it!

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there was an achievement that said "completed your first playthrough" so i played it 2 more times but nothing different happened except the ending changed the 2nd time.. not the third.. so..

also wheres the cute gif of umi walking with a candle part?? i couldn't get that to happen? :(

honestly started playing it as a joke but it started to be really fun so i’m shelving it until i have the energy to read all the dialogue outloud. voice acting would’ve probably been weird for dogs but there’s sooooooo much reading my eyes got sleepy.

honestly wouldn’t be bad if the tutorial didn’t hold your hand for 3 hours & also make you watch the mech reveal every mission.

it is cheaper to buy vegetables here.