Ultimate Communism Builder. When we say ACAB we do NOT include Kim Kitsuragi.

Bless this game.

Really enjoyed the beginning of the game but the composer (pedro silva / slimegirls) being outed as an abuser and the developers never addressing this makes it very hard to recommend.

The dance battle mechanic is rad, I like the world, but the music is such an important part of the game and it's completely soured for me.

god, this game rules.
The story is great, the combat is super fun (and skippable if you're just here for the story) and the MUSIC, just holy shit.

Definitely a slept on gem of 2020, I highly recommend this game whenever I can.

Pure joy from start to finish. A work of art.

This review contains spoilers

This game is an incredible experience. It's refreshing, fun to play, has neat twists and turns. Only knock against it (spoiler ahead) is how it ends on a cliffhanger for a sequel that, at the time of release, hadn't been announced or discussed in any way.

I was expecting the story to wrap up to an ending and instead was greeted by a "to be continued!!"
In hindsight that's good, because wrapping all the loose ends in the zero hour would have hurt the game more.

Looking forward to the sequel!

Builds off the first game really well, new abilities are incredibly fun.

Story has a few stumbles and it has a kind of shitty(?) attitude towards disabilities in terms of how some of the characters are portrayed.

This game is a mess but an incredible mess. Love these four idiots and their stupid road trip so much.

Wish that the story was actually told in-game instead of through supplementary reading materials, post-chapter descriptions and DLC but otherwise I think it's a blast.

This review contains spoilers

I really loved this game - the music, the flow, the art but

(spoilers begin)
I couldn't handle the frog boss fight - knew how it was supposed to work, but couldn't execute and I had to put it down.

Was a huge fan of 3D world for the WiiU and thoroughly enjoyed revisiting that on the switch, but the real highlight here is Bowser's Fury.

It was an incredibly fun experiment and I hope to see Nintendo branch in this direction more. Legitimately enjoyed my time with Bowser's Fury more than I ever did with Mario Odyssey.

I love this game more than I can express in words.

I enjoy this more than I should, and I've spent exactly $0 on it so I've never interacted with what seem like predatory monetary practices.

Probably one of the best video games ever made.

Was a neat experience when I started it out - super impressed to see how it was not just a "breath of the wild clone" as it was originally discussed, and also how surprisingly well it ran on iOS?

Never interacted with any of the Gacha mechanics outside of what was storywise required in the first area, beat the first boss and haven't felt a need to look back.