Had a really fun time with it. Wouldn't actually recommend unless you've beat both, Persona 3 FES (and The Answer) and Persona 4 Golden, in some capacity. The PC Port is plagued with crashes and audio issues but the game itself is pretty good.

Pre-NGS, the game was great, especially on JP. On NA, SEGA has really annoying GMs that are trigger happy with ban hammers regarding chat, cosplay, etc. After NGS, the game basically died sadly.

Played from launch to the end. It was really good once it turned free to play, but when the main developers went bankrupt, the pacing of updates went completely down under and bugs kept piling. I always hear about people not having a good enough PC to play this game, trust me you did, it's just that this game was poorly optimized and the version of Unity was atrocious. You may or may not have seen me, was Sorrel Brutesap and Angel Marsrival (this was my alias on Retro as well). All I ever did was idle farm and explore the Unknown with groups of people and it was some of my favorite moments in any MMO ever. Trading was cool for a bit until people learned about Taros hacks and duping items. Wouldn't really recommend to anyone unless they really have nostalgia for old cartoons especially older ones featured on Cartoon Network. It may be worth downloading and playing on a private server and just having a look around, getting lost in the Forgotten Falls, or exploring and trying to survive in the Forsaken Valley. The game was announced when I was in Kindergarten and I've been a fan ever since. It was nice learning about shows that were older than me and watching them later on as I grew older. I definitely recommend playing with friends as you will feel alone as the streets are empty with no players just like the original was, even during the end of it's days. Hopefully someone will create a retrospective, a person who has actually played and experienced all there is to offer. This was nothing but a fever dream.

wish niantic wasn't so greedy by raising the price of remote raid passes and also adding a daily limit to the amount of pokecoins earned

Was really fun to play at it's peak, after a while hackers started to infest the lobbies. I hated how you can only rent weapons as a free to play like many shooters at the time like Crossfire and Combat Arms. I remember having friends that would hack in skill perks for their HP and SP to be higher than normal. Sadly, the game shut down but there's private servers like S4 Remnants that are still up. The gameplay in this game is really one of a kind, learning how to wall jump and excel in movement is a priority in this game. Give the soundtrack a listen, I promise you'll like it.

Took me about a year to finish it after playing through the Danganronpa series. Some of the endings left a bitter taste in my mouth and I didn't think the game was gonna be nearly as interesting as it ended up being. The reason why I mentioned Danganronpa is because although both games aren't very similar, the part I like about both Somnium Files and the Danganronpa series is learning about what came before the beginning of the game, also both games would probably be liked by people with a perverted sense of humor I guess. If you dropped the game, I really suggest you pick it back up, the last two routes made it completely worth it for me.

I can totally see why some have dropped this game though, some of the dialogue can be pretty cringe or dreadful and one or two of the endings made me fluctuate my opinion about this game from good to worse. It's really up to the player and what they like out of these kinds of games to deem it's worth.

My first entry into Persona. The story can be quite lacking but is an excellent entry for those new to the JRPG genre. Wish the game was a lot more difficult though.

I think this game is an improvement from the original from what I remember playing 2 years ago. I love the soundtrack and a large majority of the cast which is something I can't really say for the original game. Still has the issue where characters can feel very flat but I think this is an issue with the entire series. This game on 1.2 Reload has a lot of frame drops that are noticeable during Class Trials which sucks.

The gameplay is better than 358/2 Days and the story is pretty trash as it just shamelessly retells the story of the first game, honestly the only game I'd tell people to skip other than MAYBE Re:CoM. However, the difficulty settings in this game are the best in the series, allowing you to adjust pretty much anything regarding HP, Damage, Prize, and Difficulty scaling, each able to be done individually.

Without spoiling anything, this game really made me enjoy 3's ending a lot more after finally completing Chi's story.

Have played since the first week of launch, and dropped it around maybe a year ago, since every vehicle is somehow slower than the Pariah but with nearly double-triple the price tag. I don't really see as to how people think this game is pay to win though, I have every property with the most expensive upgrades without ever spending a dime. I also own a 60 Car garage on my Maze Bank office with the most expensive cars. I enjoy playing the game and doing deathmatches (exclusively run and gun, no explosives or vehicles). I recommend playing at least once WITH friends. I can't recommend the PC version as hackers can just see your IP and at that point your internet connection is at risk. As a full time online college and soon uni student, I can't allow that risk anymore. The gameplay loop gets boring I admit pretty fast as you reach "end game" and turns into an artificial grind (my biggest and last was probably the most expensive yacht with the most costly lights and upgrades). Although this game isn't the same genre, the gameplay loop is still better than Destiny 2, which is the king of artificial grind. Want a tip? Join a lively crew, my best experiences are with an active crew. It's so much fun selling your businesses in public lobby (you get a 1% bonus per player in the session iirc) and having a bunch of helicopter and futuristic vehicles defend your truck from flying broomsticks that shoot missiles. If you're on Xbox, I suggest Ghillie Master on YouTube, if on PlayStation, watch TheProfessional. Their tips are life changing and will change how efficiently you manage your time in this huge expansive game. I have saved hundreds of my own and others' hours just by following their advice.

Even when skipping all the puzzle sections, I really enjoyed this game, so much so, I went out of my way to get 6 endings so far. I hope to return and get the remaining endings and maybe try to 100%. The OST has me hooked and I really enjoyed the Rin and Katherine paths.

Probably has the best base game in the series. Story was horrendous but the gameplay is really fun. I stopped playing two months in because they decide to give nerfs to guns in a single-player looter-shooter (RIP Flakker). Can't touch on the DLC because I haven't played it.

First and foremost, this is a sequel to Persona 5/Royal (Yes, Royal is canon, it's just that Atlus doesn't seem to like referencing "definitive" versions of their games until the next game after,. Think Persona 4 Golden and Arena Ultimax). Unlike most people, I wasn't a huge fan of this game. Granted, I did do fusion loops and went out of my way to make broken builds, but the game was pretty easy outside of the fact that some bosses were sponges, especially if you use Joker's combo to shoot homing bullets, you don't even need to use SP unless you wanna end a fight quicker. Farming BOND skills was a huge mindless grind, maybe that's why I'm not a huge fan of this game since I went out of my way to 100% it? On another note, the OST was great and Zenkichi is a great addition to the cast, I rank him and Kasumi near each other. This was my first musou game and at least now I know I don't like the genre. Would recommend if you really the cast. However it does seem jarring that they used original 5's sprites instead of Royal's.

why? it's so much worse than overwatch 1. the fact that they're adding back features such as the "on fire" system and receiving instant feedback to your elo after a match and advertising it as something big is alarming. also the ui looks absolutely horrible