Beat the story twice, have put more hours into online than any other game. In game radio was basically my discovery of a music library

Was the first Borderlands I played in full back when the Handsome Collection just released. I had a lot of fun with this game and I thought some of the new mechanics were really cool like laser and glitch rarity weapons. A lot of the returning legendries from BL2 are neutered in this game and don't really feel "legendary." This sort of killed the game for me since most purples would suffice due to how drastically toned down the legendary rarity as a whole was. Some of the best weapons were locked behind SHIFT which was disappointing. I do think that this game had a couple of cool easter eggs compared to BL2, at least from the top of my head. Namely the Sonic and Mario easter eggs. It's a shame this game was left mostly unfinished because it could've been really great, I still think Claptastic Voyage is one of the best DLCs released for this series.

I cannot stress how much better Final Mix is compared to original 2 and it's lack of end game content. Limit Form and data fights are really fun.

Pretty decent story, heavy monetization for characters involved in the story like ConneR which sucks. If you don't play for the story I'd look elsewhere since you have to grind out characters you may not like in order to progress the character who's genre you like

My comfort game, never met a character relatable as Jill through and through. I played on my laptop, laying on my bed, the OST was so good I would always have a goodnight's rest. Very much worth 100%ing as there's many different things you can experience based on the drinks you serve, doesn't take too long either if you make saves for each night.

Like any survival game, play with some friends. I got three of my friends groups into this game and they all loved it. Those first few days ingame are definitely a bit scary lol. Don't play this game on console, it's been abandoned, but on PC there's a bunch of support and mods. Even having only played the vanilla game, I still have loads of fun. Just one of those games me and my friends go back to every year on our breaks.

Only rhythm game that has S4 League OST. Wish it didn't have horrible DRM that prevents offline play

Lots of fun, always a looming sense of danger. I've only ever experienced this game in multiplayer which I'm sure contributes to such a high score. Without spoiling much, here are some tips, for the first couple days, watch as much TV programs as you can, they level up your skills depending on the program. Another tip would be start finding ways to hold and store water, if you're a carpenter, try to set up rain collectors early. Have yet to reach winter but I'm sure it'll be fun.

Closest you'll get to Mario Party on PC. Also supports 4+ players which is always a huge plus for me.

it's bad but i really like it