Aged better than you’d think, Max Payne is still a great game. It has it’s flaws but still has better gameplay than most action games. Shame the Playstation 4 port for this is absolutely awful, so bad I had to stop and finish the rest on my computer, thankfully it was much better on that.

Done for now. Got up to Aladdin which is apparently a little over a third of the way through which is why I may go back to it just so it’s done. Might have enjoyed it a lot more back in 2002 but it has not aged well at all. If you don’t have any nostalgia for it, don’t touch it.

Seriously, it’s dog ass, let me get on the fucking chair during the trickmaster boss fight you motherfuckers

Prettiest game of all time contender

This is the definition of “play it yourself and don’t let others decide what’s good and bad”

Cool gameplay until you realise that it’s just that for the entire game, and unsurprisingly ends up becoming very repetitive. Pretty great story though, especially for a game, definitely carried it towards the final episode.

Still one of the best video game stories of all time. The writing is fantastic, with some of the best acting in a video game easily. The music is beautiful and memorable. Gameplay is a little bit dated but still fun enough that it doesn’t annoy me (Although, the driving is fantastic). I do wish the free ride mode had more to it tho cause there isn’t much to do post game, but glad this still holds up almost 3 years later on a replay. If only all gaming remakes were like this and improved upon the original and making it better instead of just remaking it for the sake of money.


I have actually completed Knack. This is not an April fools joke, I just happened to beat it on April 1st. Yeah, not good.

I really enjoyed the gameplay in this. The management of the cult was so fun, I got so engrossed in it. The mix of the farming and more too was great. Oh. Just great stuff, I recommend.

The rougelike stuff was fine too I guess.

challenge of the gods will give me PTSD for the rest of my life, never again.

Toy Story 3 yeah? More like Toy Story 3/10. Yeah! Take that Randy Newman!

I love this game.

There are so many good things about it. The acting is amazing. The writing in this game is arguably telltale’s best. The art style is so good that if the game released in 2022 (almost 10 years after the first episode released), I wouldn’t have even noticed cause it’s aged so well. And while choices don’t matter like most other telltale games outside of The Enemy Within, I don’t even care cause the story is so goddamn gripping. But sadly it isn’t really a game so it isn’t a 10 as it’s just a point and click but the story is probably a high 9 or a 10 so I recommend this a lot. Play it or Bigby will hunt your ass.

Fucking tails, every fight was easy but tails, literally. Fuck tails.