Any Zelda is a good starter Zelda, but this might be the best.

Go play Bejeweled instead of this

There are better games in this series without monetization

I'll give this game another chance someday but for now it feels like the least fresh and unoriginal game in the series.

The most fame this game will get is being remembered as one of the games from Project Rainfall , and that's a shame since this is a damn good JRPG.

I think my biggest gripe was not really having any in depth way to change up my playstyle, with Xenoblade that at least can be tempered by changing your character. The most you can do here is use a different weapon. The gameplay got really tiring as a result, but only at the last chapter.

Besides that, most of this game is peak. The character writing is a little derivative, but the voice acting and dialogue are what got me to finish the game.

its a pretty good game. easy to pick up and play, and i will continue to pick up and play.

Other than the deeply frustrating difficulty spike at the end, this one is a fun time. I'll try and finish all the bonus content sometime.

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awesome game about how trans people can do anything

i hate those wood elf shits. 9/10

kinda falls off if your friends are annoying about it

dlc system is pretty ass, but its great with friends and the dlc (8/10 with dlc)

pretty fucking cool, its just a better half life

another game only really worth playing with friends

actual god tier multiplayer. this shit is awesome