time waster game, pretty fun and i hope to see it finished one day

awesome game with awesome backstory and great mechanics. i reccomend to anyone who cares about anything

No clue what came over me but the game just clicked for me and I started loving this game

meh, it just seems very shallow, It has a lot of things going for it that should make it work, but it doesn't

This is the kind of game that shakes you to your fucking core. This game changes how you look at games and it rocks.


Actual wizard shit. Like not even the game mechanics, like how does one program this game

this game is awesome but its so long dude

Favorite pokemon game out of the bunch, and thats including the Gen 2 remakes. I played this on my phone with an emulator and it held up really well as an on-the-go game.

Pretty fun basic gameplay, although the base game balancing leaves something to be desired

I wish they brought back Cap'n Dickbag and his ghostly Dickfleet, those were the best events in game.

Never finished this game unfortunately. Not the best FE game by a longshot, but its easily my favorite in the series. Great voice acting, a nice story, and fun mechanics, but a very passable main character romance and bad map design.

5/10 with randoms, 9/10 with friends. This game is stupid as hell, actually scary sometimes, and a lot of fun.

Jesus this game is amazing. You can mod it to hell or play it to the ends of time. I have so much time sinked in this game in every version, with and without mods.

Really great! A classic for a reason, and a series starter for sure. I reccomend taking half an afternoon to finish this one.

Upon replay, it's still a lot of fun, but you have to get past the jank and bad physics to get anywhere with it. And screw the Shadow Mario chase missions, those are just actual padding and not fun at all.