Short and sweet, phenomenal presentation, good writing, thrilling.

One of my recent favorites. The climbing feels so good it carries the game throughout, and the presentation is unique and very fitting.

I have a similar issue with it as I had with Death's Door: it looks more interesting than it actually is. It's pretty and the central concept is well explored, but capping each level with a very by-the-numbers boss fight is disappointing and in general is a bit too afraid to go really experimental.

Obviously, it's got superb combat and presentation, but it's enough of a retread of every previous Souls game that I don't think it justifies its own existence. The move to an open world makes it feel more aimless and it's not a good fit for its hands-off narrative approach.

Engaging combat, but falls short pretty much everywhere else. Environments and enemies feel samey and uninspired (with notable exceptions), the narrative is plain bad, and it sticks too close to the previous game

Top marks for concept, execution and presentation. It's not particularly deep or groundbreaking but what it does, it does very well.

These kinds of deep, character-driven, narrative RPGs with great production values are my heroin, so of course I've lost dozens of hours to this. It's as grand, and fun, and deep as they say it is, no doubt. I personally think some of the freedom and "imsim" systems that get talked about a lot come at the cost of a somewhat disjointed narrative, at times, which is not a tradeoff I would go for. And there's an underlying silliness to the whole ambiance that, again, is not my personal cup of tea. The third act is also a bit disappointing in how it presents this massive city with exponentially more characters and places than the previous acts, but most of it feels shallower and less lived-in than I would have hoped.
Overall, great game; not sure if THE BEST RPG OF ALL TIME, as some are calling it, but then again, no game is.

The best Dragon Age game to date, possibly my favorite RPG ever. It's an extremely flawed game, due to, ostensibly, its short development time, which led to a plethora of annoyances and questionable decisions, most glaringly:
- Extreme reuse of assets and levels (every cave is the same, every underground hideout is the same, etc.)
- Enemy waves combat system (instead of properly tuned combats with finite enemies, you get waves of invisible enemies appearing on-screen.)
However, none of these flaws can overshadow its many achievements:
- A personal story of family, belonging, personal growth, friendship, and more; all tied up with the larger themes of the series and ongoing story threads.
- An engaging combat system that hits the soft spot between DA:O's tactical combat and DA:I's fluidity.
- A very well written cast of characters.
- A main character defined enough to have a personality and not look out of place in the middle of a cast of well-rounded characters, but malleable enough that you can make them feel and act like you want them to.
- A good length--not too short, not too long.
- An unmatched handling of the passage of time thanks to its 3 act structure. You can see how your choices shape the city and its inhabitants.
All in all, Dragon Age II is Bioware's best, and one can only dream of what could have been if they had been given enough time to polish its obvious flaws.

Take and XCOM and...
- Remove the emergent narrative capabilities.
- Remove permadeath.
- Remove the satisfyingly interlinked visual and mechanical progression.
And add:
- An incredibly cheesy and generic Marvel fixed narrative.
- An MC so uncharismatic it could serve as a template for how not to write custom mcs.
- Real money skins shop.
- A third-person base management and exploration system that is mildly entertaining at best, actively annoying at worst.
- Passable card-game mechanics.
- Collectathons.
- 2012 graphics.
- 2008 morality system.

Terrible game, very disappointing.