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MF_PORKy completed Pokémon Colosseum
If you grew up with this game you are as attached to it as a junkie with his needles. Every single person I've met that has played this game LOVES it, and honestly I see the appeal

Very poignant negative about the game is that it gets really repetitive with the sheer amount of double battles it throws at you, backed by the gimmick of being able to snag other trainer's pokemon, that part gets old fast. Apart of me wishes you could waddle through tall grass like the gold old days but I recognize how that'd neuter alot of the charm and uniqueness of the game. Speaking of charm and uniqueness, other than that this game is a blast. The pokemon variety is boundless, the characters and setpieces are creative and rememberable, the animations are more fluid and detailed than even gen 9's (making fun of modern pokemon, I'm so bold and different), and shit the music slaps. As far as pokemon experiences go, this is my preferred pick. , it feels like a true evolution of the pokemon formula and something future pokemon games should strive to emulate.

1 day ago

MF_PORKy reviewed Super Mario Galaxy 2
Don't let the discourse on whether this game innovated enough compared to the first game distract you from the fact that it doesn't improve on anything from Galaxy 1 and is essentially glorified dlc. Not a bad game by any means, don't get me wrong, not a dull moment and all that but it did start the era of boring, linear, blend together era of mario games that hit a boiling point with 3d world and new soup U. Worth a playthrough nonetheless, unless you're one of those people that are crazy enough to 100% any game; only the most dedicated do that willingly and 100%ing this game is considered an abstract form of torture in foreign countries. Forcing prisoners of war to get all the prankster comets could make anyone snitch on where Osama Bin Laden was hiding, hell if it was me i'd rather get waterboarded.

2 days ago

2 days ago

MF_PORKy completed Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld
Imagine a working copy of this game being the only withstanding evidence of humanity's existence on Earth billions of years from now

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

mariowithagun reviewed ToeJam & Earl
Not all that fun to play alone, but I bet it's a blast in co-op. It's a pretty charming aesthetic experience though. In single player, I enjoy this game the same way I enjoy Yume Nikki or LSD Dream Emulator, but not nearly as much as those.

3 days ago

3 days ago

mariowithagun reviewed The Terminator
There's a part in the first level where in order to progress to the end, you have to spam grenades really fast or you die pretty instantly. It's a beginner's trap and a serious red flag for a game, but when you die you spawn pretty close by, so it's not that bad. I love the Terminator movies and this definitely does capture the pitch-black atmosphere of the dark future in the first film. The game features clips from the movie, crunched to hilariously bad Sega CD FMV quality.

The music is seriously outstanding, and you can go straight to the options and listen to all the songs, which even have titles. You don't even have to bother with the game to listen to the music, isn't that great?

3 days ago

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